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****FFI (Orion Series)****

It's been months since I last spoke to anyone from Japan. Celia and I were happier without them. I even got to make new friends online, whenever I would go live on Instagram. I kept gaining new followers after blocking everyone from Japan.

It didn't make me feel at ease just dropping them like that, but I guess it was all I could do after, they betrayed me, even the guys from royal...

I still don't understand what I did wrong, all I know was that all my friends hated my sister and I. It hurt even more seeing them smile and go on like nothing happened... He even found someone else... Someone better than me...

I used to be mad, but now I know someone sometimes it's better to let someone go. It just hasn't hit me yet, the older I get...


Daniel and I were sitting on my bed after my doctor examined me. This was one of many checkups I had go through, to make sure my legs would heal. But lately it seems like they wouldn't be healing anytime soon.

"Jude do you want me to make you more Boba, when I've finished speaking to the doctor?" Daniel asked helping me sit up properly.

"Ya, that would be nice. Thanks Dan."

"Anytime. Oh and before I forget, the guys from Roppongi wanted to video chat with us," he said walking out. I simply nodded my head and wondered what they would bicker about today. Those guys make me feel safe, even if they're all part of gangs. Of course father doesn't know this, because he hasn't been home in months now. I imagine that he won't be happy when he finds out.

Looking out the window I could see Celia and Dionne filming another tiktok in the backyard. Celia was more than happy to get our old friends out of her life. Even going as far as deleting every last memory of Japan which hurt if I'm being honest, they were our life, our pride and joy. And she just decides to let it all go.

Daniel walked in with my boba a few minutes later. He sat down next to me and opened up my MacBook Pro. He went to Skype and started the meeting.

"Keisuke Baji get your ass downstairs now!!!"

"I'm busy with my friends Demon!!! Get someone else to do your dirty work for you!!!"

"Why you little- Oh... Hey Jude!!! How are you sweetie pie!? And how's your sister!?"

"Monika get out of my room!!! Nobody invited you!!!"

"Well good luck making yourself lunch you demon-Kohai!!!"

"Get out demon-senpai!!"

With that Monika stormed out the room, making Baji sigh in relief.

3rd Person

Everyone who was on the group chat burst out laughing. It was very rare to see Monika and Baji in the same room. When the laughter died down Daniel cleared his throat.

"So you guys wanted to talk us?" For a moment they all seemed confused, but then they remembered exactly why they wanted to talk.

"Jude-kun are you coming back to Japan anytime soon? I really want to see you~" a blonde haired boy, Mikey, stated. He was then hit at the back off the head by his friend Draken, who had a dragon tattoo on the side of his head.

"Sorry about him, he's been extra annoying these days..." Draken bowed both their heads.

"Ya, he begged me to ask Dan to have this call," a half Filipino, half Japanese boy with purple eyes stated. That's Izana Kurokawa and he's Mikey's adoptive older brother.

Izana's statement made the rest of them belly laugh, while Mikey just sat there pouting. The video call lasted till 12 a.m. That's when they all decided that they'd had enough, or when they realized that Jude was half asleep on Dan's lap.

Before the video chat ending with everyone bidding goodbye, a another boy with shaved blonde hair, Chifuyu told Daniel.

"Hey Dan. If you two don't end up being together. Can one of us have Jude, or is off limits?" He asked smirking. Daniel just smiled and said.

"Only time will tell," they all agreed and said their goodbyes. Daniel put the MacBook in to charge and also put Jude to bed. He took his phone from the nightstand and went through his messages. He deleted all the threats he was getting and set both his and Jude's phones in to charge.

Daniel then settled himself next to Jude and drifted off to sleep.

Sorry I haven't been updating in awhile I was busy with my finals for middle school.

As always hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment what you thought of the chapter, and what you thinks going to happen within the next few chapters.

Do you think Jude is really happy? Who keeps sending Dan and Dionne these threats? What will happen in the FFI? Will Jude be able to walk again? What happened to Elliot?

Where's Jude's father?

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