Ph3 Ch17: Next on the Menu

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Mono fell onto the pile of moldy meat in the trash chute. It cushioned his fall, but it still made him jump away from how gross it was. Soon after, Six and the knight fell down as well. Six stood up, and moved away from the raw, gross, moldy meat as soon as she could. Mono looked around, trying to think of what to do next. It was Six who was leading the way, but Mono still felt like he should contribute to the job.

It was quite a big trash dump. Even Six didn't know where to go. Mono walked around, then stepped on something long and thin. He looked at what it was, and saw a piece of string. He picked it up. The string felt as smooth as silk. Quite a nice change from the wet and gross he was used to feeling. As he lifted the string up, he realized that it was longer than he thought. Mono kept pulling up the string, following the path it lead him on.

As he pulled it up, he touched something wet, and almost alive. He looked, and saw the string had pierced through a leech. As he kept pulling, he realized the string had pierced through many bugs and enemies. Some of them were even burned. However, the string did lead him to what he was hoping for. An exit. The string lead to another chute, and went up inside it. Hopefully, leading to another room.

He called for Six and the knight, and showed them the escape route. Six was relieved, but the knight wasn't looking at the exit. It was looking at the string. Was it familiar? Did the knight know someone who used strings to fight? Whether it did or didn't, they still had a way out of this trash dump.

Mono climbed the string, and realized it was much more sturdy than it looked. If used correctly, it could probably pull someone forward like a grappling hook. But that wasn't related to the situation. After a long climb, Mono noticed the air was getting much colder. And once he reached the top, he saw why. This trash chute belonged to an icebox. Meats were strung up on hooks, some of them in bags. Mono was thankful for his layers, but not thankful for his lack of shoes. He ran out of the icebox, and found himself in a room with an elevator.

He noticed a handle to call the elevator, and was about to pull it, before Six stopped him. She pulled him back into the icebox, and into a wooden crate with the knight. She put a finger to her lips, and then walked over to the elevator. She jumped up, yanked it down, and started running back into the icebox. Mono looked out, and noticed one of the two chefs from earlier enter through the elevator door.

Six slid into the crate, making it very cramped. Mono wanted to move, but his survival instincts said otherwise. The second chef walked into the room, and rustled the box above them. He took out a piece of cheese, shoved it into his muddy pocket, then started inspecting the meat. Unsanitary, Mono thought. As the chef looked at the meat, Six crawled out of the crate, and motioned for Mono and the knight to follow.

Mono took the knight's hand, and both of them followed Six to the elevator. But once Six stepped inside, the doors started closing. Mono leapt into the elevator, pulling the knight with him. The doors shut, and as they moved to the next floor, Mono locked eyes with the angry chef who noticed them. As soon as the elevator reached the next floor, all three of them ran out, and searched for a place to hide. Six jumped into a vent, but stopped Mono from following her.

"We won't fit in here together! Find someplace else! Quickly!" She whispered.

The elevator moved down to the lower floor. Mono ran into the next room, and hid under a table with the knight. The elevator moved back up, and the second chef wobbled out, looking around for the three of them. Across the room, Six put a finger to her lips, telling Mono to be quiet. Mono nodded, and then realized why Six told him that. The chef walked over to the table Mono and the knight were hiding under, and started to rip apart a large chunk of meat. Both of them waited and waited, and they noticed Six was standing at the doorway.

Once the chef turned around to get the "spices" for the meat, Six crept around him. She held her hands out, telling both of them to stay in place. Both of them nodded, and Six crept into the next room. A few seconds later, Mono heard the sound of something shredding. The chef ran into the room, and Six ran out through a vent on the side of the door. She jumped on the table, and threw a key down to Mono, just as he was getting out.

He hooked the key around his coat, and followed Six to the elevator. Suddenly, large piles of orange goo landed in front of them. Mono turned around, and saw the second chef spitting out chunks of infection at them. As he ran towards Mono and the others, the knight sent a shade soul at him, and dashed in with its nail. Mono looked at the infection bubbles blocking the way. He pulled out his ladle, and started bursting them. Six noticed, and did the same with her shovel.

Once the path was cleared, Mono and Six ran to the elevator, and activated it. Mono called out to the knight, and it dashed over into the elevator, just in time. The elevator moved to the lower floor, and Six ran to a locked door. Mono remembered the key, and shoved it into the lock. The door opened, and all of them sprinted into the room. Six pulled Mono next to her, and pointed to another trash chute. Why do these chefs need so many trash chutes? Mono thought. Whatever the reason, it was still a way to get out. Everyone jumped in, and fell down much further than the last time. Mono hit the ground, and blacked out.


How was this chapter? I don't think it was one of my most impressive ones. Like I said, there might be a few things different from the game because I was too lazy to look at the material until now.

However, I am proud of the beginning of this chapter, because I think I made it pretty evident that Six, Mono, and the knight aren't the only ones here in the Maw.

Forgive me for not getting this out earlier, I had a bit of a mind blank.

Anyway, see you all in the next chapter! : )

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