Ph2 Ch11: Kingdom's Edge

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Seven stepped out of the dark, watery tunnel, and into the wide open cave they needed to go to. It was covered in ash, with more and more falling from the sky, or, rather roof. Seven pulled out the compass, and looked at the flame marker. It was just a little bit below them. Seven looked down at the several ledges that he'd have to climb down to reach the scarlet light he saw in the distance. Takes me back to all the times I'd have to climb those cliffs. He thought to himself.

He started climbing down the side of the cliff, and without any warning, an armored corpse fell onto one of the ledges. Seven stopped in his place, and looked at the corpse. Ignore the body, ignore the body. Seven thought as he continued climbing down. But as he did, more and more armored corpses fell from above. The Grimmchild shivered at the sight of the corpses.

Seven couldn't blame them. All he could think of was what could possibly be above them to cause that many corpses. His eye was drawn to the scarlet flame he was now right next to. He landed down on the nearest ledge, and approached the flame. The Grimmkin appeared and the battle began.

It flung fireballs at the two companions, and the Grimmchild spit back with its own fire. Seven figured that now would be a good time to try out the great slash that Sheo taught him. He charged his energy through his nail, and waited for the perfect moment to strike. The Grimmkin appeared in front of him, and rushed towards him at full speed. Perfect. Seven unleashed the great slash, sending the Grimmkin flying backwards. The Grimmchild followed up with one of its fireballs.

Seven changed tactics and decided to use the cyclone slash next. One the Grimmkin appeared, he jumped up to it, and used the nail art to land multiple hits. But to his surprise, right after he struck the Grimmkin, it charged at him, sending him off the ledge. The panicked Grimmchild quickly flew over and caught its bearer before he could fall to far.

"Thanks friend," Seven said.

With no rest, the Grimmkin sent swirling flames at them, forcing them to move quickly. Luckily, Seven got close enough to deliver one final blow. With the next flame consumed, Seven pulled out the compass to find out where the last flame was. But as he was searching, he spotted a small hut near the very edge of the area.

At that moment, he remembered what Sheo said. Ash swept grave was his description of where his brother Oro was! Possibly the last Nailmaster could be here! Right where they were! Excitement rushed through Seven's mind as he kept climbing down towards the hut.

As his excitement consumed him, he lost his focus, and his hand slipped from the ledge he was holding on to, and he started falling down. He fell onto ledge after ledge, bruising himself terribly. Right before he hit the boiling acid, the jaws of the Grimmchild snapped onto the back of his shirt. It pulled him up to the closest ledge, and let go, both of them breathing heavily.

They both agreed to proceed with caution, and to be aware of the dangers around them. Seven led the way through a system of tunnels towards the hut at the edge of the map. As they walked, they heard something stomping above them. Seven looked up, and then, right at that moment, a giant bug fell through the roof, jumping closer to the two of them.

Seven had no choice but to panic and improvise. The hopping bug moved closer to both of them, and they both dashed under it once it hopped. The Grimmchild fought back against the hopper with its fire the best it could, but they were clearly outmatched. Seven charged up the great slash, and once the creature landed, he swung with full force. The bug fell to the ground, orange oozes coming out of it. Seven looked at the Grimmchild, both of them breathing heavily.

"I hope that we don't run into one of those things again," Seven said, and the Grimmchild nodded.

Unfortunately, he spoke too soon. As they proceeded forward, two more of the hopping beasts drew near. You gotta be kidding me. Seven thought. With no time to prepare, Seven and the Grimmchild made a dash for shelter as quick as they could. They climbed up into a small hole in a wall, and from there, they were able to beat back both of the hoppers.

Seven couldn't help but take a deep breath. This Nailmaster better be worth the trouble. He thought. He and his companion kept moving forward, and then, they found the hut where Nailmaster Oro should reside. Seven entered the hut, and looked at the sitting figure in the center of the room. He was sitting, much like Mato, but unlike Mato, he seemed to be in a state of despair, rather than meditating. Seven approached the Nailmaster, and looked up at him. He looked back at Seven, and began to speak.

"Hmph. How did you find me, down here where the world ends?" He said.

Before Seven could reply, the Nailmaster continued speaking. "Yes, I know why you're here. You came to learn a Nail Art from the legendary Nailmaster Oro," he said.

"Yes, that I have," Seven replied, trying to make himself sound tough. For some reason, he felt on edge with Oro. Unlike his lessons with Mato and Sheo, he felt like he needed to sound strong, and brave.

"It is the law of the Great Nailsage that I must pass down my teachings to those who are worthy," Oro began. "But no law forbids me from exacting a payment for my time. If you truly wish to train under me, prove it with Geo!"

"Umm," Seven stuttered. " I don't have any Geo," he said.

Oro grunted. ""Those who do not share their strength will never learn." My master used to say that. Substitute "Geo" for "strength" and you'll have my own views on the matter. Begone!" He yelled.

The Grimmchild was ready to fight back, but Seven stopped it. He knew that Geo was the only way to convince Oro to teach him. With that, he gave a slight bow, and left the hut. Once outside, he slumped down onto the bench outside. He had no idea how to get any Geo.

"How am I possibly going to get enough Geo to convince Oro?" He questioned to himself.

As if to answer his question, his partner pulled out the compass, activated it, and flew around a certain spot close by. Seven looked closely, and saw it was labeled, "The Colosseum of Fools".

"I can get enough Geo there?" He asked his friend. The Grimmchild chirped with confirmation, and Seven smiled. "I guess I know where we're headed to next."


I realized what's taking chapters so long. Due to my high standards, I need to look up the actual in-game dialogue of the characters, and I forget to do that most of the time.

Also school started back up again, but that's not too big of a deal!

Anyway, see you all in the next chapter! ; )

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