Ph1 Ch14: Welcome to Your Combat Lesson

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The knight looked over the sea of bullies in the cafeteria. They had ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time for sure. All of the bullies turned their heads towards the knight and Mono, and before anyone could scream, they all ran towards them. The knight jumped up, and struck the heads of the bullies with its nail, poggoing across the room. Mono glitched himself, and started running through the bullies as their hands fell right through him. The knight eventually struck the head of an infected bully, and its out shell was exposed. Luckily, there were so many other bullies around, that the head of the infected bully almost instantly exploded once it was exposed. 

The knight eventually saw a boarded up door, with a hole near the top of it. The knight dashed through the hole, and found itself in a room with drawers and shelves filled with bottles of some sort. It looked around for its friend, and saw them fall through the boards and unglitch. The knight looked through the other side of the door, and saw that all the bullies had luckily lost interest in them, and were continuing to bully each other. It then leapt down to the floor to make sure its friend was alright.

"My head hurts," Mono groaned as the knight helped him up to his feet.

Once its friend was back on his feet, the knight looked around for a way to escape, and spotted a small puddle of acid near the floor of the room. It looked closer, and found out that it wasn't just a puddle, it was a full stream underneath the floor! But that was only an escape route for it. the knight needed to find an escape route for Mono. The knight looked and saw a vent near the roof of the room. Unfortunately, it was sealed shut. An idea came to the knight, and it motioned for Mono to stay in the room. 

"Why? Will you come back?" Mono asked, sitting down because of his head.

The knight nodded, and jumped into the acid. It swam underneath the floor of the teachers archives, and eventually found a small hole above it. It climbed out, and ended up in some kind of hallway. It looked around, and found an entrance to a vent, this time with the cover off. The knight leapt into the vent, and started to crawl its way back to Mono. Once it reached the sealed end, it looked through to make sure its friend was still okay. The knight saw Mono sitting in the corner, keeping his eyes on the door, with his hand on his ladle. 

The knight struck the vent cover with its nail, trying to knock it off, and Mono looked towards it. The knight delivered a few more blows with its nail, and the vent cover fell off. It leaned out of the vent, and reached its hand down for Mono. Mono got to his feet, and jumped up to the knights hand, grabbing it. The knight pulled Mono into the vent, and they both crawled out of it.

Once they were out, they walked down the hallway, and found themselves in a large room filled with platforms, and acid bubbling at the bottom. They jumped down the room, landing on the platforms, and soon they got to the acid pool at the bottom. Suddenly, a door opened up, and the Teacher walked through. She looked at the two of them, and a creepy smile spread across her face.

"Found you, you little troublemakers," She said, with her neck stretching up. "You two are going to be in detention for a looooong time."

The knight drew its nail, and Mono pulled out his ladle. The teachers neck stretched towards them, and they both leapt onto the upper platforms. Suddenly, the teachers neck pulsed with electricity, and large shock of plasma filled the room. The knight did its best to avoid the shock, and leapt at the teacher, striking her with its nail. But to its surprise, the nail bounced off of her head, like it was made of rubber. 

"Violence shall not be tolerated in MY school!" the teacher yelled. "You'll receive an extra punishment for this!"

The Teachers neck began pulsing with electricity as it extended towards the knight, her mouth chomping at it. The knight managed to get away, and met up with Mono.

"How do we beat her?" Mono asked.

The knight looked around the room, and something caught its eye. A large jellyfish was rising up from the acid underneath them, followed by many others. The knight looked at Mono, and they both instantly understood the plan. They leapt away from the platform they were standing on, and started moving to the jellyfish. The Teacher's mouth snapped at the knight as her neck extended further and further. But the knight managed to get to a jelly fish, and struck it with their nail, sending the orange core, right into the teachers face.

The core exploded, and the Teacher screamed as the electricity faded from her neck. Mono leapt down, and struck the Teacher's head with his ladle. The knight followed with several swift strikes from its nail, with bursts of orange infection coming from the Teachers wounds. Electricity started to surge through the teachers neck again, and the knight and Mono leapt away.

"Come back here you naughty children!" the Teacher screamed as her neck stretched towards the two of them.

They reached another jellyfish, and Mono turned towards the Teacher.

"Hey! What's 6 - 2?" he yelled out.

"Well, at least you've done your math," the teacher said. "The answer's-"

"FORE!" Mono yelled, as he swung his ladle like a golf club.

His ladle struck the jellyfish, and its core flew into the Teachers face, exploding again. Mono and the knight leapt down at the Teacher, and started wailing on her with everything they had. Suddenly, the Teacher screamed as a large burst of infection erupted from her head. Large amounts of infection poured out from her, and with a final explosion, she fell into the acid.

Mono jumped up and down, happy because of their victory, but the knight still some had unfinished business in here. Mono and the knight walked through the door, and there was a pool of acid underneath them. The knight motioned to Mono to wait, and it dove into the pool of acid. After swimming down a tunnel for a while, it came to a large room, with a tank of acid. 

The knight climbed up to the top of the room, and saw the glitched figure of its friend once again. The glitched figure removed its mask, and it shinned into the tank, revealing Monomon, the teacher. The figure faded away, and the knight struck Monomon with the dream nail. It arrived in the dream realm, face to face with her. The knight slashed at Monomon with its nail, until she was weak enough for them to absorb. The knight began to focus, as Monomons energy was pulled into them.

At the temple of the black egg, Monomons mask disappeared, and another radiant scream echoed from inside.


I love having these motivation bursts. They help me write more of this story if you can't tell. Again, thank you for reading this story, and feel free to comment something I could do better for the story. See you next chapter! (I feel like that's getting old)

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