Ph1 Ch23: Soul Twisters

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The knight remembered its way around the city. While there were a few other buildings and arrangements that were different, most of it remained very familiar. It needed to get to the watcher's spire, and face the watcher knights in order to defeat Lurien. That's why Mono needed a better weapon. The knight remembered the watcher knights were brutal, and if it and Mono were not prepared, they would surely perish. 

The knight made their way to the spire, but for some reason, the entrance was sealed off. The knight was confused. It was sure it had opened the seal to the spire, so why was it closed? Something must've changed, but the knight couldn't worry about that now. It knew another way into the spire, so it started heading off towards that. Mono followed the knight and the two worked together to get over hurdles, gates, and obstacles that were introduced to them.

The knight made its way into one of the buildings, and set off to the second entrance. However, it met a large cluster of boulders blocking the path. The knight peeked through a small hole, and saw that the second entrance was still open. The problem was, the boulders were too heavy to move, and there wasn't a quick way around. With that, there was only one other way to get to the watcher's spire. They had to go through the Soul Sanctum.

"Are you trying to go somewhere?" Mono asked the knight. "We've been running into sealed doors and blocked hallways, so is there somewhere we need to get to?"

The knight nodded, and motioned for Mono to follow them. They made their way up the building, defeating the enemies that came with it, and after a while, they came to the exact place the knight needed to go. A hole in the wall, leading to the Soul Sanctum.

As the two of them entered, the knight stayed on edge. The sanctum probably wasn't like it remembered, and many enemies could've gotten stronger. It needed to be ready to defend both itself, and possibly Mono. The knight knew how brutal the sanctum could be, and if Mono got caught in a situation he couldn't handle, he would be as good as gone. The knight lead Mono down the dark eerie hallway of the sanctum, determined to get out of this with both of them alive.

After they came to the end of the hallway, it wasn't long before their presence was noticed by the twisters. Almost instantly, a soul twister appeared before the two of them, its soul orb orbiting around it, protecting it. The knight grabbed Mono, and quickly moved to the side as the soul twister shot out a second orb of soul from its forehead.

Once the orb had passed, Mono and the knight leapt at the twister, striking it with their weapons. The twister fell to the ground as a burst of white energy left its mouth. It lied on the ground, now nothing but an empty, bag-like corpse. 

"That was surprising," Mono said, a little tense after the fight.

The knight nodded, and the two of them pressed forward through the sanctum. As they walked, the knight noticed that the sanctum looked, different. It wasn't how it remembered, in fact the sanctums whole arrangement had changed! The knight had been concerned something like this would happen, and it didn't like it. Now both it, and Mono had no idea of where they were going, and that only meant that they were in more danger.

Suddenly, two more soul twisters appeared in front of them. The knight made sure to be quick, and struck one of the twisters  a few times with its nail. But as it was about to strike again, the twister vanished, and reappeared behind the knight. The knight dashed through the twister, and delivered a final blow to its back. It looked back at Mono, and saw that he was having little to no trouble fending off the soul twister. Whenever it shot an orb of soul at him, he would glitch, and then unglitch to fight back. Perhaps the knight had been too worried about Mono.

After the second soul twister was down, Mono and the knight continued forward. The knight stayed alert, watching out for soul twisters, but something else confronted them. Once they stepped into another room, the door behind them closed shut, and a soul warrior appeared above them. The knight dashed away from the warriors nail, and began to counterattack with its own.

Mono fought back with his ladle, but the warrior was unfazed. It teleported to the other side of the room, and began to shoot orbs of soul at the two. The knight avoided the blasts, but to its surprise, Mono managed to catch one of the orbs in his ladle, and send it flying back at the soul warrior.

Annoyed, the warrior teleported behind them, and leaned down, ready to launch at them. Unfortunately for the warrior, the knight knew that attack too well. It leapt above the warrior, and slammed down on top of it with a descending dark. The warrior teleported away, and continued to attack the knight and Mono, but they had grown stronger, and the soul warrior was no match for them. Within moments, the soul warrior fell to the ground, defeated. The doors opened back up, and Mono and the knight continued forward.

The knight was feeling more confident about the situation, seeing that Mono was able to hold his own against the soul twisters, and the soul warrior. It was clear to the knight that it did not need to worry about Mono no longer, and could fully focus on navigating the sanctum.

"Man, the Nailsmith did a good job on this ladle," Mono said. "I didn't think I would be able to hit that orb back, but I did! This thing could come in real handy," He said, looking at the shinny, silver ladle he now had. "Now, let's get through this place!"

That was easier said than done. Almost as soon as Mono spoke, a hole opened up underneath them. The two fell deep into the sanctum, with no idea what was waiting for them down at the bottom of this hole.


Hay everyone! I would like to apologize for the slow uploads, but school started back in person, so I no longer have as much time to work on these chapters.

I hope you understand, and I'll see you next chapter! :) 

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