Ph1: Ch1 Deepnest

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Mono opened his eyes, and looked around. The last thing he remembered was running from the flesh entity, leaping for six, and then six dropping him into the signal tower. But why did she do it? Maybe her hand slipped, maybe she had a reason to, maybe she wasn't the same six as before? he thought. Mono shook the thoughts out of his head. I'll find out why she dropped me soon enough, right now, I need to find her. He thought.

Mono looked around the area he was in, and it appeared to be some sort of cavern. there was a TV behind him, a few ruined pieces of structure, what looked like a broken tram, and these weird-looking creatures on the floor. Upon closer inspection, Mono realized they were dead. He didn't know what they were, but he didn't want to end up like them.

Mono then realized he had a few things with him. He had his flashlight, and a large soup ladle. Might come in handy. He thought, looking at the objects. He looked around for a while longer, and then he found his paper bag! He thought that it was lost in the pale city, but for some reason, it was right next to the TV! Mono picked up his paper bag, and pulled it over his head. It felt satisfying to stare through the eye holes of his bag once again.

Mono turned on his flashlight, and started to look for a way out of this underground cavern. He found a small tunnel, that lead towards more tunnels, moving all around him. He was suddenly put on edge when he heard several disturbing noises. It sounded like enormous bugs were moving all around him, watching him, getting ready to strike. Mono held onto his flashlight, constantly on edge, looking around for something that might attack him.

Suddenly, three large bugs came out of the ground, and they leapt at Mono, with their mouths barred. Mono ducked away from the bugs, and pulled out his ladle. It was surprisingly really heavy to hold in his hands, but it didn't matter, he needed to defend himself. One of the bugs leapt at him, and he struck them to the ground, crushing them with his ladle. The bug got back to its feet, and the others jumped towards him. Mono ducked under them, and once they landed, he slammed his ladle on them with all his might, crushing them.

Mono took deep breaths, looking at the squashed bugs, their guts, oozing out. He did not like this. Not one bit. He needed to get out of here, and find Six. Unless Six was trapped in here, of course. The thought of possibly leaving Six in these horrible caverns frightened him, and he decided to venture further into these tunnels, and try and look for her. He couldn't leave without looking for her, it just wasn't like him.

Mono hung the ladle around his jacket, and ventured further into the caverns, holding his light close. He looked around for any sign of friendly life that could possibly help him. He didn't like being alone. He didn't like having no friends. He needed to find Six, or someone, anyone that could help him find a way out of these tunnels.

Suddenly, a giant bug, crawling through the earth emerged into the tunnel Mono was in. Consumed by fear, Mono ran for his life. The bug crawled through the tunnel, inching closer, and closer. Suddenly, Mono saw a hole in the ground. without thinking twice, he leapt into the hole, and fell down into another tunnel.

At least I'm away from that bug. He thought to himself. He flicked on his flashlight, and saw something that could possibly help. A TV. There was nothing else, except for the hole that he entered through, but no way was he going back up there with that giant bug. He walked towards the TV, and realized that it was active. He placed his hands on the television screen, and warped through another TV. He looked around, and saw that he next to a pile of dead bugs. He instantly backed away, and looked around.

He was in a room, with nothing but an open door. He walked outside, and found himself in a large, open cave. He looked at the room he just left, and it seemed to be made out of webs. He looked down and saw that there was a long drop underneath him. He looked up and saw another structure made of webs, this one having a light. Maybe there are some friendly people in there. He thought, as he climbed the ledges, toward the structure.

He entered the room, and found even more bugs. But these bugs weren't like the other ones. They were wearing cloaks, standing tall, and one of them looked like they were selling things to the others.

"Excuse me? Can you help me?" He asked one of the bugs.

"Of course! Please, sit down and rest," the bug said, pointing to a bench.

"Yes! you must be tired. Sit and rest," another bug said.

"We are friends. Please sit," another bug said.

Mono found this all highly suspicious, but he was very tried, so he sat down. Once he did however, he was stuck, with webs covering him. He tried to get off the bench, but he was stuck in place. Suddenly, the bugs gathered around him, and knocked him unconscious.

When he woke up, he was bound with several webs, and inside yet another cavern. He struggled to break the webs, and broke free. He fell to the ground, and his flashlight and ladle fell on top of him. "Talk about a rough welcome," he said as he got to his feet. He picked up his ladle, turned on his flashlight, and started to wander around. He stepped on the webbed, sticky surface of this cavern, and looked around for a way out. Suddenly, he looked and saw a giant spider-like bug, wearing a mask. Mono inched closer, and the creature yelled, opened it's mask, and started violently swinging at him.

Mono ran away as fast as he could, into another room. He looked, and saw that the beast was not pursuing him. Instead, it crawled back into the darkness, and closed it's eyes. That's a relief. Mono thought. He looked around the room, and saw that there were bugs, bound with several webs just like he was. He looked closer, and found that their insides were hollowed out, most likely eaten. Suddenly, one of the bugs moved. Mono looked and saw a small bug, about his size, with a dark blue cloak, and a white shell with horns.

It's alive? Mono thought. What if it's friendly? I can't just leave it here! Mono pulled out his ladle, and started to hit the webs on the ground that seemed to be holding it in place. He hacked at the webs, and once they were destroyed, the bug fell to the ground, the webs around it, falling off. Mono inched towards the bug, unsure if he could trust it, checking to see if it was still alive.

"Hey," he whispered. "Are you okay?"

Suddenly, the bug started to get up. it pushed itself up with it's arms, and looked up at Mono, with a hollow gaze. Mono crouched down offering his hand to the bug. It continued to stare at him, and then took his hand. Mono helped the bug to it's feet, and the two just stared at each other, exchanging hollow gazes.


Hope you enjoyed reading this! Tell me of any mistakes, or things I could do better, and I'll see you once I've finished the next chapter!

Edit: Hey, I'm from the future, and this book got stolen by a website called If you're reading this book on, then please stop, and read the original story here on Wattpad.

As for, please remove my book from your library, I do not want it there.

Thank you for listening.

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