Ph1 Ch25: The Master

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As the knight walked through the sanctum, they noticed something strange. There was nothing. Nothing but absolute silence. There used to be huge barrages of enemies a few seconds ago, but now there was nothing. And if the knight knew anything from this journey so far, it was that something big was coming. And given the location, it had an idea of what it was going to be.

The knight continued advancing, with Mono by its side. They both walked past piles of statues, and broken jars, and finally came to a ladder. They both climbed up, and arrived in a small room, leading to the outside. The knight observed the room, and saw three jars of soul. It broke them open, and took the time to heal itself up. It was fully aware of what was going to happen, once it and Mono stepped outside. The knight took Mono's hand, and the two of them walked outside, into the pouring rain. The door behind them shut, and the knight waited.

"What is that?" Mono asked. "What is that!?!"

The knight looked, and saw exactly what it was expecting to see. The Soul Master, rising in the distance. It warped in front of them, and let out a soul-piercing scream. The knight drew its nail, and Mono drew his ladle. The Soul Master warped closer to the ground, charging at them, and battle broke out.

The knight dashed through the master, and Mono glitched, avoiding him. The knight followed up with a shade soul right to the back of the master. Enraged, the Soul Master warped above them, and started firing several soul orbs at the two of them. Mono and the knight avoided the best they could, and the knight let out an abyss shriek.

The Soul Master, getting very irritated, brought up a shield of what looked like some static soul. The knight tried to break the shield, but its nail bounced off like it had hit a metal bar. Mono tried hitting the shield as well, but his ladle had the same effect. The soul master started firing more soul orbs at the two, and they both frantically moved around, avoiding the shots. Suddenly, an orb hit the knight, striking it down. It tried to get back to its feet, but another orb was coming, and there was no time to react. 

Luckily, before the orb could hit the knight, Mono stepped in, and hit the orb with his ladle. To the knight's surprise, the orb bounced back, and hit the Soul Master's shield! Not only that, but it damaged it! Mono looked at the knight, and the two instantly got the same plan. The Soul master proceeded to fire more soul orbs, and the two hit them back with their weapons, breaking the shield. And with a few blows, the shield collapsed, leaving the Soul Master unprotected.

The duo did not miss their chance to strike. They ran in, hitting the Soul Master, blow after blow. Suddenly, the Soul Master grew limp, and started warping everywhere, screaming violently. It kept warping, faster, and faster, until it burst out, into flakes of soul.

"I guess we're done with that right?" Mono asked.

The knight shook its head. It knew the fight wasn't over.

Suddenly, the Soul Master appeared above them, and slammed into the ground, breaking it. Mono and the knight fell onto another floor made of statues, and the Soul Master continued to attack. The knight quickly got to its feet, avoiding the dives of the master, and Mono glitched himself once again. Suddenly, the Soul Master stopped, and sent a barrage of soul orbs at the two of them. The knight instantly leapt forward, hitting the master with everything it had. It let out every abyss shriek it could, and when it ran out of soul, it kept striking with its nail, not caring how much it got hit.

Once the final blow was delivered, the Soul Master screamed as orange infection burst out from its body, and fell to the ground, defeated. Injured, the knight walked over to Mono, and offered its hand to help him up.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "You got hit with those things quite a lot."

The knight nodded, and then continued down the sanctum. With the Soul Master gone, things went very easily for the both of them, as there were hardly any enemies left to fight. They climbed down piles of statues, and finally came the the room the knight wanted to get to. A long hallway, leading to the watcher's spire. There, it could defeat Lurien, and go to the temple of the black egg, which seemed to be close by, considering there were chains near the signal tower Mono had mentioned.

The knight lead Mono across, and they entered the spire. But right away, the knight could tell something wasn't right. Where was everyone? There were normally hostile bugs everywhere here, so why was the place empty? Also, why were there so many broken TV's? The knight continued guiding Mono through the spire, further wondering why no one was here. Suddenly, it got an answer.

There was a light, stretching through a slightly opened door. The knight looked, and almost froze in shock at what it saw. Several bugs, were watching a TV, and all of there faces were...melted! What was going on?

"Drat! Even these guys are affected!" Mono said.

The knight looked at Mono, confused.

"Those, my friend, are what I call viewers," Mono said.




I'm just gonna come clean here, I genuinely forgot about this story.

I'm sorry! So many things happened, I lost track of updates, and it was only when I logged onto my computer on Sunday that I remembered this story existed. I know this chapter is a little shorter that the others, but I needed to get one out, otherwise you all might've thought I died or something.

Before I go, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading this story, everyone who has voted on this story, and everyone who has added it to their reading lists! It means so much, and It's about time I finally updated this book.

See you all next chapter :) (Which will be coming out this week, I promise!)

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