Ph3 Ch31: Final Confrontation

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Six opened her eyes to nothing but darkness for what seemed like forever. She looked around for Mono, or anyone else who could be near, but she couldn't find them. The fact that she was alone in the dark terrified her. She had been with others for so long that she had become reliant on them and their help. All by herself, Six pulled out her shovel, and tried to look brave.

Occasionally, an orange light would appear in the darkness, followed by screaming of some kind. Every time this happened, Six found it much harder to pretend that she wasn't afraid. When she heard Mono scream after another blast of orange light, her entire body began shaking. She wanted to help him, but she didn't know where he was, and running blindly would get her into more danger.

Six stood her ground as best she could, slowly backing up, anticipating the inevitable attack towards her. The wait seemed like forever. But out of the blue, the entire room was illuminated by an orange light. Six closed her eyes for a brief second, before realizing the opportunity presented before her. She could find the others now. She opened her eyes, and took in the sight before her.

She couldn't look directly at she assumed to be the Lady, as she was a bright as a sun, Hornet was struggling to stand, Seven and the Grimmchild were rushing to help Hornet, and the knight was helping Mono to his feet.

Six wanted to help in some way, but she didn't know how. The only ones who actually stood a chance against the Lady were Hornet, Mono, and the knight. And two of them were down. Six looked around for something to use to her advantage. Anything that could help. Surely there had to be something she could do.

Suddenly, the Lady screamed, and sent another blast of light through the room, scattering everyone across again. Six's back slammed into table drawer. She got back to her feet, and quickly realized something. She lost her shovel. Her only weapon against the Lady was gone. Six started checking her raincoat for anything she could use as a weapon, and to her surprise, she found something. Her lighter! In the heat of the moment she forgot she had her own source of light. Slightly relieved, she flicked it on, and lit up the room around her.

She looked behind her, at the drawer she slammed into. On top, there was a circular, wooden mirror sitting on a cushion. Six's mind raced, and she knew exactly what to do. If she was no match for the Lady and the Radiance, she would use their power against them. Mirrors reflected light, so this wooden mirror would work perfectly. At least, that was what she hoped.

Six jumped onto the top of the drawers, and picked up the mirror. It was rather heavy, but it was the only weapon she felt like she could possibly use against the Lady. Six jumped off the drawers, and stared back into the darkness. She was still alone. There was no one to pull her along. No one to face the danger with her. If she had somehow gotten here earlier, she would've run without a second thought. But not this time. Six was tired. Tired of being a cowardly traitor. She now had a chance to repay everyone who had helped her in her life, and she wasn't going to run away from it.

Six closed her eyes, and her mind recalled the conversation she had with Mono when he first reunited with her. "You can't save everything by being nice," she had said. "Well, I can save the ones who matter," Mono replied.

Six opened her eyes, with a newfound bravery blazing in them. Without hesitation, she ran into the dark.


Instantly, Six felt a feeling of impending doom wash over her body as the darkness thickened around her.

"Well, Well! What do we have here?" The Lady asked. "I thought you were cowering in the corner, or perhaps running away, leaving your friends behind. Again."

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