Ph4 Ch4: Ascension

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Flames were ablaze with colors of all kinds. Children danced around music boxes as they played victorious songs. Every child trapped in the dream realm could finally feel happy. For so long had they done nothing but dream of peace, freedom, and happiness. But the Radiance was no longer present, nor was the Lady. There was no more need to dream, as nothing was holding them back. The Dream Realm had never seen a happier time.

A small distance from the dancing and celebrations, a small girl sat, watching everyone smile and sing along to the tunes of the music boxes.

"Something wrong, Five?"

Five turned, and was met with a bug much taller than her.

"No, nothing's wrong Quirrel," she replied.

"Well then, why do you sit alone, away from the celebration?" Quirrel asked. "If anyone would be celebrating, I'd imagine it was you. Your friend has freed herself of her curse, found friends of her own, and the boy you guided not only found the others, but also completed the Ritual. You have a lot to be happy about Five."

"What about you, Quirrel?" Five asked. "Your friend also found friends, despite being hollow, and the being your teacher swore to keep at bay is defeated. What reason do you have for not celebrating?"

"I have never been one for parties, but you're right, I do have a strong reason to celebrate this occasion," Quirrel responded. "I simply wish to know why you don't do the same."

Five looked down.

"Well, yes I do have a lot to be happy about, but at the same time, there's one more thing that has to be done."

"Ah, you are referring to the living dream."

"Yes. I don't know how to tell him. He has so many friends, he's very happy, and has so much he wants to do. How do I tell him he had to leave those things behind?"

"Perhaps you'd like to comfort him?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

Five and Quirrel turned around, and saw the moth that had sheltered every lost child from the nightmares of the Lady.

"Ah, Seer. Here to join us?" Quirrel asked.

"Quite the opposite, actually. I was wondering if you'd like to join me."

"You mean-" Five asked.

"Yes, it's time for him to move on."

Seven POV

A calm breeze swept across the Howling Cliffs. The lamplight shone clear over the surrounding area. Here Seven sat, pondering. Up until now, he had no future, nothing awaiting him. And now, he was truly free to act on his own. No rituals to complete, no depths to escape, and no threat to be worried about. He was free to live his live how he wanted.

But, something didn't feel right. Seven wondered if he truly was free. There was something in the back of his mind that caused him to question his present.

Was it the fact that he had died before getting here? Was it maybe because even he didn't know how he was still standing here? Or was it something he wasn't aware of?

Seven thought back to the time he was submerged in the black waters of Deepnest, and was met with the spirits if children like him, and the glowing moth. They seemed to know more about his situation than he did. If only he could ask them.

"That might be easier than you think," an old yet soft voice said from behind.

Seven turned around, and saw the glowing moth who spoke to him before. As the moth came closer, silhouettes of children and bugs alike could be seen as well.

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