Ph1 Ch27: The Thin Man

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Mono waited for the knight to wake up from its sleep as it dealt with the sleeping figure on the bed. He didn't understand the purpose of the knight doing this, but he didn't mind. It seemed to be helping them with their journey. Soon, the figure faded, and out of nowhere, a loud roar came from the bottom of the signal tower. Not much later, the knight woke up, and looked at Mono.

"I guess we're following that roar?" He asked.

The knight nodded, and once it got to its feet, the two set off, yet again. After taking the elevator down, they looked for another way out of the spire. They both didn't want to go through the viewers again, so they searched the rooms for a possible exit. Most of the rooms were just filled with junk, but there was one room that got Mono's attention. The room was faintly lit with a white light, and the door was creaked open. Mono walked inside, and found an active TV. As the static buzzed, he felt an enormous pain in his head.

"Must....stop.....the.....transmission," he managed to say as he walked towards the TV.

He held his hand up to the screen, and began halting the transmission. Breathing heavily, Mono tried his best to concentrate on the pattern the static of the TV was making. He kept concentrating, and then suddenly, he was brought inside. Inside the last place he wanted to be. The hallway that he had always seen, the hallway he had always feared, the hallway he had always returned to. Mono started desperately looking for a way out of this place, but he heard something.

He turned towards the door, looking where the noise was coming from. A music box. Six? Mono thought, as he walked closer to the door. Could she still be here? Had she gotten herself trapped again? Mono didn't know, but if there was a chance to find Six, he had to take it. He walked closer, and closer to the door, until finally he jumped up to the doorknob, pulling it down. The door creaked open, and Mono took a small peek inside. There was a music box, and there was none other than Six, turning the handle.

"Six!" Mono yelled. He started running towards her, overjoyed. He had wanted to find her all this time, and now here she was, right in front of him!

But once he got close, the music box disappeared, along with six, into a static dust. Mono was frozen. Was he tricked? What was going on?

"I thought I would've learned by now not to trust her," an old, scratchy, static-like voice said from the darkness.

Mono looked up, and froze in absolute fear. In front of him, was his greatest nightmare. The Thin Man. Mono slowly started to back away, towards the door. He needed to escape. He wanted to run, but his body wouldn't allow him. As he backed up closer to the door, the Thin Man rose up from his chair, and stared down, at the poor, helpless child. Mono closed his eyes. Six wasn't here to pull him out this time. There was no escape. He waited for his inevitable death.

Suddenly, he felt something pull him from behind, yanking him out of the TV. He looked, and saw the knight, laying on the ground from the recoil.

"Did..did you figure out how to get me out of there?" Mono asked.

The knight nodded, and began to stand back up.

Mono got to his feet, and suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps reached his ears. He looked back. Back at the TV. Back at the Thin Man, walking towards them, and placing his hands on the screen.

"Run," Mono said. "RUN!"

He grabbed the knights hand, and pulled it along with him, as he ran out of the room. He heard the sound of the Thin Man escape the TV, and stand straight up. They needed to find a place to hide, FAST. Mono scurried into one of the rooms, and looked around for places to hide. There was under a desk, and in the drawers of some shelves. Neither one would be big enough for both of them.

"Quick, hide in the drawers, I'll hide under the desk," Mono said to his friend.

The knight nodded, and hopped into one of the drawers, and pulled the door shut. Mono dived under the desk, and looked up as the Thin Man entered the room. He stood still, looking for the two of them. Suddenly, the room began to shake, as if the building was tilting back and forth. The drawers fell open, revealing the knight to the Thin Man.

"I thought you learned not to trust anyone," He said, and he reached out his hand for the knight.

"NO!" Mono yelled. He was not going to let the same thing happen again. He was not going to be helpless as his friend was taken by the Thin Man. He leapt out of his hiding place, and grabbed the hand of the knight, trying to pull him away from the Thin Man's telekinetic powers.

"It's futile to resist me," The Thin Man said. "This one will betray you, just like she did."

Mono kept pulling, as hard as he could. Suddenly, the knight started hitting his hands, making him let go!

"What are you doing!?" Mono yelled at the knight.

Mono's grasp couldn't hold, and the knight was pulled into the hand of the Thin Man. But to his surprise, the knight unleashed an abyss shriek, crippling the Thin Man. He screamed in pain, and let go of the knight. Without wasting any time, Mono knew how to escape. He grabbed the knight's hand, and ran back into the room with the TV

"Hang on tight, okay?" He said to the knight.

The knight nodded, and clutched the back of his coat.

Mono placed his hands on the TV, and focused his energy into it. Suddenly, he and the knight were drawn into the television, away from the Thin Man. They bounced around on a fleshy substance, and fell through another TV, breaking it. Mono quickly looked back at the knight.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

The knight nodded, and Mono took a deep sigh of relief.

"Good, now come on, we need to get going. Nowhere is safe as long as the Thin Man's free," he said. "Now where do we need to go?"

The knight pointed to the signal tower, and Mono gulped. If he wanted to protect his friend, and get out of this mess alive, he would have to relive the nightmare again. He would have to enter, The Signal Tower.


Weeee! Back to daily updates!

I poured my heart into writing this chapter, and will be doing the same for the next ones, as we are nearing the endgame of Phase 1. Hope you all are ready for this!

See you next chapter ;)

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