Ph1 Ch12: The Teachers Archives

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The knight looked at the teachers archives, looming above them. Something about it wasn't right. It was a lot bigger than it was supposed to be. Literally, it was HUGE. But that wasn't going to stop the knight. It needed to free Monomon, and break another seal holding the black egg together. The knight walked towards the entrance, and then saw a silhouette of a familiar bug. The knight got closer, and instantly recognized it. It ran forward to greet its friend, but the figure disappeared into a glitchy static.

The knight stopped running, and hung its head down. It wanted to see its old friend again, but unfortunately, they were gone, and the knight hadn't seen them since. Suddenly, it was brought to the real world with Mono's voice.

"Was that a friend of yours?" he asked.

The knight sadly nodded.

"What happened to them? Did they die?"

The knight didn't know what happened to them itself, so it shrugged.

"I'm gonna assume that means you don't know," Mono said

The knight nodded, Then lead Mono into the teachers archives. It was definitely different in here. There were wooden planks on the floor instead of the stone, and there was very little light. The knight walked into another room, and found several bunk beds stacked on top of each other. It certainly didn't know what was going on here, but it seemed that Mono did.

The knight continued walking, and they came to the end of a hall, with nothing but a painting of a weird woman. The knight looked for Mono, wondering if he had a solution, but he had already started running back to the other room. The knight followed him, and Mono came running back with a ball in his hands. Mono threw the ball at the painting, and it fell off, revealing a secret passageway. The knight followed Mono through the hole in the wall, and they started to crawl through a long vent. As they crawled, they heard sounds of children laughing, and running around. The knight stayed on edge, in case something were to attack it or his friend.

Once they came to the end of the vent, The knight started walking forward, but suddenly, Mono tackled it to the ground. The knight looked at him in confusion, but then saw a large bucket swung down where the knight would've been standing, had Mono not pushed them to the ground.

"Be careful," he said to the knight. "There are a lot of traps here."

The knight nodded, and the two of them continued walking, this time side by side to make sure they were prepared for any sudden attacks. They eventually came to the beginning of a hall, and the knight heard the sounds of children giggling, and metal clanking. The knight and Mono slowly peeked down the hall, and saw three children, with big heads, stuffing a large bucket with several heavy objects.

"Not these guys again," Mono whispered, backing away from the hallway.

 The knight looked at its friend, with a concerned look.

"These people are bullies," Mono explained. "And that's not an exaggeration, that's literally what they're called. They've given me quite a bit of trouble in the past."

The knight looked down at the bullies, stuffing the bucket, and then pulling it up so it could slam into someone's head. The knight looked back at Mono, and drew its nail. Mono caught on, and pulled out his ladle. The two inched across the hallway, and one of the bullies spotted them. They screamed out, and all three of them charged at Mono and the knight, with their hands reached out, grabbing for them. The knight swung its nail at the bully closest to it, and shockingly, their head broke into pieces. The knight looked at Mono, and saw he had defeated the other two.

"Their heads are hollow. One swift strike to the head, and they'll break like a pot," Mono explained.

The knight nodded, and they both pressed forward. They came into another room, where there were more bullies, and more jellyfish. The bullies threw spitballs at the jellyfish, pulled them from the air, and started viciously squeezing them. One of the bullies made the mistake of shooting a spitball at a big jellyfish, and its core zoomed towards it, and exploded, destroying the entire group.

"Glad that's not me anymore," Mono said.

They both walked through a door, and came to a large, empty room. Suddenly, they were ambushed by several bullies, their hands grabbing onto them, trying to pull them away. The knight however, knew what to do, and charged up a nail art. It unleashed the cyclone slash, and broke free from the bullies grasps. It rushed over to Mono, and swung its nail that the bullies heads, freeing him. The two then proceeded to destroy the rest of the bullies, with everything they had. Suddenly, a bully with an orange head ran towards them. Before it could even touch them, the knight shattered its head, revealing an orange bubble of infection. The bully ran around in all directions, looking around for the two of them, and Mono thrust his ladle into the bubble of infection on the bully's broken head.

But to the surprise of him and the knight, the bubble of infection exploded, sending Mono flying backwards. The knight ran to its injured friend, checking to see if they were still alive.

"Should've.....known," Mono faintly said. "Don't.....hit....the bubbles."

The knight pulled Mono onto its shoulder, and they both continued forwards. The knight needed to find a place where Mono could rest and heal up. He couldn't focus soul like it could after all, so he couldn't heal himself. The knight helped Mono walk through the rooms of this school, and they came to a room with a red cross on the door. Inside, they found several bandages, and other medical stuff. The knight found another bench with soul particles floating around it, and sat Mono down on it. The particles whizzed around Mono, as his injuries began to heal, and soon he was perfectly fine.

With its friend healed, the knight pressed forwards with its friend, and they came to another room. But this time, the room wasn't empty. This room had desks aligned in a pattern, with a bully sitting in each one. At the front of the room, there was a large woman, writing down math equations on a chalkboard.

"Oh no," Mono whispered as he looked into the room.


I'm back! Just to let you all know, I take breaks during the weekend, and I write during the weekdays. Think of it as something to read once you've finished a long day of school. Or you could read it during school if you're virtual like I am today. 

Also thank you so much for reading this story! It honestly means so much to me, seeing people reading what I've written! See you in the next chapter!

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