Chapter 23: The Reunion Part 1

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It was a really nice sunny day outside of school. The perfect day to go out and have fun but since it was the middle of the week, the kids were at school, getting ready for their last class which is science.

"Ah, man... I'm so tired. Are we done yet?" Miko asked as she let out a small yawn.

"Not even close, Miko." Jack said as he closed his locker.

"Great... So what now?" She grumbled.

"We got science as our last class." Raf said as Miko cringed. Again?

"Science? Aww..." Miko groaned in dismay.

"It's not that bad, Miko." Jack tried to reassure her.

"Yeah right. Just as long as it's not dissection, again. Last time I did that, Ratchet didn't want to let me inside the base for two days. All because I was accidentally covered with green stuff that came out of my frog." Miko said as she was still peeved for not being able to go to base when Ratchet saw her covered in frog slime.

"Oh yeah." Emily said with a slight laugh as she remembered that some of the girls shrieked from that little incident.

"I remember that. It was the best two days ever. I wonder why I enjoyed them so much?" Jack said as he wondered why.

"Very funny. Ah, someone get me out of this nightmare. If I stay here, I'm gonna lose my head." Miko said before hitting her forehead on a locker door.

"Your tiredness sure is surprising. And here comes something that's gonna wake you up." Emily said as she noticed someone walking towards the locker as she grinned at Miko.

"Uh, what now?" Miko looked at her in confusion before a voice behind her made her jump.

"Excuse me, but your head is on my locker." It was Tai.

"Ahhh!" Miko yelped in surprise and whirled around and saw her crush standing right behind her as he looked at her curiously.

"Are you okay?" Tai asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Better than okay." Miko said while fighting her blush from forming.

She started yawning and smiled at him as if she was fine and full of energy.

"I'm perfectly fine." Miko said with a smile but she was totally dying from blushing on the inside.

"Oh really? Then what was going on with that yawn of yours? Feeling a bit sleepy?" Tai asked curiously while raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I mean, no. I'm not sleepy. As a matter of fact. Yawning can come out because of many other reasons than being tired. Like feeling a bit hungry." Miko said and she felt like hitting her head as Emily and Jack fought their snickers as Raf was silently laughing in amusement.

"I see. So I guess you didn't have any lunch." Tai said as he got his book from his locker.

"Yeah. I'm kind of on a diet that excludes lunch from time to time. But I guess I overdid it. I'll be sure to eat next time before class." Miko said with a shrug and smile.

"I hope so. I wouldn't want you to fall asleep during class again." Tai said with a concerned smile.

This only made Miko blush hard at how sweet it was that Tai seemed to care for her well being.

A Spark's Life That Shines Book 1 (TFP Fanfiction) [Slow Updates/Haitus]Where stories live. Discover now