Itsy bitsy Airachnid Part 3

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Meanwhile back at the base things were rather calm for most parts. Raf was playing a round of video games while Miko was tuning her guitar. Ratchet seems to be getting really worried about Emily And Arcee who haven't reported or contacted the base yet.

"This is weird." Ratchet muttered to himself as he was by the computer and monitoring their two friends who haven't returned yet.

"What is it, Ratchet?" Bulkhead asked as he looked up as Miko stopped her guitar playing and Raf paused his video game.

"Emily and Arcee haven't reported back yet." Ratchet told them as his voice held worry for Arcee and Emily.

"What?" The trio asked in confusion but were growing worried as Ratchet typed something on the computer and was able to locate where the two were.

"Yes of course. I can see where they are." Ratchet smiled as he worked on the computer and was able to find the location.

He was able to pinpoint where Arcee was but the strange thing was that Emily's signal wasn't showing.

"Strange, I was able to locate Arcee's position but not Emily's." Ratchet continued on trying to find their friend but the results weren't showing and was getting even more worried.

"That doesn't sound good." Bulkhead said as Miko and Raf looked at each other worriedly. What was going on? What happened to Emily?

The entrance to the base opened up and Bumblebee and Smokescreen, who met up with them earlier when Arcee and Emily went on a patrol, came in with Jack coming out of Smokescreen's alt mode and allowing both bots to transform to their robot forms.

"I'm here. Arcee, ready for that ride? Arcee? Where's Arcee?" Jack looked around in confusion and noticed that two of their friends weren't present at the moment.

"She and Emily went to scout ahead and they haven't called back. Maybe something is blocking her signal." Miko told Jack who nodded since he always noticed that Arcee cares for Emily like a mother to their child.

"We could try calling her." Raf looks at Miko who brightened up and took out her phone as they clearly remember that Emily will answer after the first ring.

"Good idea. Let me try." Miko dialed Emily's number and it started to ring. But after the ring, the second and third, Miko hung up and looked up to them as she had worry in her eyes.

"No answer. This is bad. Emily always answers her phone." Miko grew even more worried as she was having a bad feeling of what might have happened but she tried to think clearly and thought that Emily might be just doing something but the situation is worrisome.

"Maybe something bad happened to her and the same thing might've happened to Arcee." Jack said as he was worried for both of his friends and guardian.

Optimus walked in after hearing what was going on and was worried. He knows that Emily could protect herself with Arcee but he just can't help but worry about them both and their safety.

"Jack is right. Arcee and Emily might be in a dire situation. We must go help them." Optimus agreed to what Jack said and knew that they needed to head out to look for them.

"Count me in, sir." Smokescreen volunteered as Bumblebee told him about Emily and who she was and this almost made Smokescreen to almost drive off the road from shock.

"Uploading coordinates and activating the ground bridge. Raf, standby in case we need to reopen the portal." Ratchet typed in the code to the location and activated the portal as the ground bridge lit up while giving Raf instruction.

"Roger that." Raf nodded as he, Jack and Miko were on the railings as the Autobots were facing the portal.

"Autobots, roll out!" Optimus ordered his teammates as they nodded.

A Spark's Life That Shines Book 1 (TFP Fanfiction) [Slow Updates/Haitus]Where stories live. Discover now