Skyquake's return Part 2

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The Autobots all try to keep a low profile while watching their enemies work.

"I hate staying here and doing nothing." Wheeljack grumbled quietly as Emily glanced at him while not taking her eyes off the cons.

"We have to, Uncle Jackie." She whispered.

"You think they're looking for the same thing?" Smokescreen asked curiously.

Bumblebee beeped and whirred to say that it might be a possibility that the cons had detected the same thing that they did.

"Cons won't find anything they're so dumb." Cliffjumper scoffed before he accidentally trips on Bumblebee who accidentally trips on Smokescreen and makes tiny rubble fall as Bulkhead and Arcee winced as Emily covers her face while Optimus shook his head as Wheeljack smirked.

A Vehicon hears the rubble and sees that it was the Autobots as they knew that they really blew it.

"Scrap." Cliffjumper cursed as Emily just sighed as Arcee gave him a scolding look.

"The Autobots!" The vehicon alerted the others as they all switched their servos into their guns as Starscream was surprised to see the bots.

"The Autobots?! Destroy them!" Starscream ordered as the cons all started to shoot at the Autobots who quickly ducked for cover.

"Bring it, cons!" Wheeljack exclaimed as he jumped in the air before landing in front of the Decepticons.

He starts taking them down one at the time as the others watch.

"Let's go, guys!" Bulkhead said as he switched his servos into his mace as he along with Cliffjumper, Smokescreen, Bumblebee and Optimus all charged in to help Wheeljack to repel their enemies.

"Let's provide the others some cover." Arcee said as she took out her guns before looking at Emily.

"Are you up for it?" She asked as Emily nodded.

"You bet." She grinned at her as she turned her hands into her plasma cannons.

When they both were ready, they took a snipers position to provide cover to the others as they made sure to stay well hidden.

"There's one at ten'o'clock." Emily whispered as she took aim before shooting but missed and made her wince.

"I got it." Arcee said as she took aim and shot the target that Emily tried to hit.

"That was easy." Arcee said as Emily shook her head with a smile.

"Oh, really?" She said before taking another aim before shooting and was able to take down two cons with two shots as she gave Arcee a smirk.

"Try and top that." She smirked at her as Arcee smirked back before the femme shoots down five find with one shot.

"Be careful with what you wish for." She remarked as Emily puffed a cheek at her playfully.

The Decepticons soon spotted Arcee and Emily and started shooting at them and they ducked to avoid getting hit.

"Let's move." Arcee said.

A Spark's Life That Shines Book 1 (TFP Fanfiction) [Slow Updates/Haitus]Where stories live. Discover now