Skyquake's return Part 5

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Ratchet starts using the comm-link to talk to Optimus to make sure that they really got out of the shadow zone.

"Optimus, do you read me?" Ratchet asked to be sure as Optimus answered.

"I do, old friend. Thanks for bringing us back. Send out another ground bridge to bring us back to base." Optimus said before Skyquake stopped him from doing so.

"I'm afraid, Optimus, that you won't ever go back to your fellow Autobots." Skyquake told him before he ran to him and punched Optimus on the face plate.

The Autobot leader falls down and drops Emily by accident on the ground as she lets out a small yelp as her phone broke by accident in the fall.

Back at the base, everyone got worried when they heard something metal hitting against metal as Ratchet tried to contact Emily.

"Emily? Emily, do you hear me?" Ratchet tried but they only heard a bunch of static and it was not a good sign.

"I don't like the sound of that." Cliffjumper said as Arcee was glancing at the computers to see if Emily or Optimus would call back.

"Something's going on. I can't locate them." Ratchet told them as they all looked at each other worriedly. What's going on back there?

Back at the canyon, Optimus was still stunned and confused after the hit as it was hard for him to get back up as Skyquake approached.

"You dared to make a fool out of me at Technar." Skyquake growled as he started to punch Optimus who tried his best to avoid them but he was sent back down on the ground as he let out a soft groan.

"You killed me and then you brought me back. This will be the last mistake you'll ever make. Consider us even. Farewell, Optimus Prime." Skyquake sneered as he was about to kill Optimus who was down.

Emily was watching the whole thing and won't be able to lose her dear friend to someone that was brought back to life so she decides to do something.

"STOP!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as Skyquake stopped his attack and turned to her.

"He didn't bring you back. I did and I won't let you kill him." Emily glared at him as Skyquake scoffed at him.

"Really? How do you plan on stopping me? You're nothing but a weak human. I can easily kill you and make Optimus watch you suffer." Emily stayed silent at this as Optimus narrowed his optics at Skyquake. He would rather die than let Emily get more hurt.

"No... please... kill me if that's what you want but spare her." Optimus told him as Skyquake sneered at him

"Trust me, Optimus. Both of you will suffer for what you did to me." Skyquake said as Optimus glared at him weakly.

"Leave her... out of this... I'm responsible for your death, not her..." Optimus said as he struggled to get back up.

"All the more reason to make those you care for them most suffer. Starting with this puny human." Skyquake started to approach Emily menacingly as she hardened her gaze at him.

"Bring it." Emily gritted her teeth angrily as she stood back up and ignored the complaint of her wounded leg.

"Do you really think you can defeat me? You're wounded and you can't do anything to stop me." Skyquake said as Emily glared at him.

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