Metal Buffet Part 4

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The kids all kept on running to try and avoid MECH. They all soon came to a stop to catch their breath as Raf leaned against his knees as Miko leaned against the wall as they panted heavily.

"I think we're safe." Emily said as she noticed that they were somewhere in the base.

"How are we gonna save them now?" Miko asked as she was worried for their friends.

"I don't think we can. If we try, we'll be turned into snowmen." Jack told them as they knew that MECH would freeze them on sight.

"I don't want to be a snowman." Raf whimpered in fear but Emily put a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, Raf. We'll find a way to get out of this one. Think you can find us a map with your laptop?" Emily asked as she gave him his bag back as he took out his laptop.

"Let me check." Raf said as he turned his laptop on to hack into the system.

Raf starts hacking the system but since there's no power, all of the systems are offline as he sighed as he looked at them.

"I can't access the system. It's offline. As long as it stays like that, I can't enter." Raf stood up as they tried to come up on what they should do.

"We could try the elevator." Miko suggested.

"Miko, I cannot enter the system, it means that there's no power. So it means that the elevator doesn't work." Raf said as Miko groaned at this.

"I'm starting to hate this place." Miko grumbled as Emily tried to come up with something before she remembered something. Every base has a generator everytime something like this occurs.

"We should try and find a generator of some sort." Emily said as they looked at her.

"What for?" Miko asked curiously.

"Whenever the power goes out, the auxiliary generator takes over." Emily explained to them as she always pays close attention to class and even electronics and robotics back from her old school.

"You're right." Jack nodded since Emily made sense.

"Uh, I'm no electrician but if this generator thingy should have taken over the power right now. Then how come the system is out?" Miko stated the obvious as they all came up with one explanation. The Scraplets must've done something.

"The Scraplets must've eaten the generator and that's why the systems are still offline. It doesn't have enough power to get back on." Raf said as he stood up and put his laptop back inside his bag.

"So if we stop them from eating the generator, we could restore enough power for the system to get back online." Jack said as he told them how.

"Then that's what we will do." Emily told them as she was determined to get the power back on and possibly beat some MECH up while rescuing their friends.

"How? A generator this big needs to draw a lot of power. We have phones, comm-links and a laptop but that's not enough." Jack said as they saw that it will need a lot more energy to get the generator to work again.

"We'll figure something out when we get there. In the meantime we must keep moving before those guys find us." Emily said as she wasn't looking forward to bumping into MECH for now.

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