Chapter 13: Itsy bitsy Airachnid Part 1

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It was a nice and warm lovely Saturday for a ride and Arcee and Emily hit the road for some girl time. Emily was riding on her blue and red 07 ZX motorcycle while Arcee was driving solo and using her holoform driver, Sadie, as they could bond together like a mother and daughter would at a mall.

"Nice day for a ride huh, Arcee?" Emily smiled behind her helmet as she glanced back at Arcee.

"Sure is." Arcee agreed since she was enjoying the company of their new friend.

"Too bad Jack couldn't come with us." Emily playfully pouted but knew that Jack had something to do.

"He had to make an extra shift at the K.O driving. It's about time we had some girl moments." Arcee couldn't help but make a motion as if shrugging her shoulders and Emily agreed to it before having a thought of adding Miko to their little girl talk before asking Arcee about it.

"Do you think we should've brought Miko with us?" Arcee glances at her with her side view mirror when she asks that.

They then thought about having Miko join their girl time but that might ruin the fun. Miko is only 15 and is quite reckless a few times.

"Nah." Both Arcee and Emily shook the thought away as they both started to laugh.

"So what are we doing? Other than talking?" Emily asked curiously as they continued to drive down the road.

"Not much, just exploring and doing a little scouting." Arcee glanced at her again with a side mirror as Emily shrugged with a cheeky smile.

"If I'd known that we were scouting, I would've asked for Bumblebee to come with us." Emily told her with a cheeky smile.

"And ruin our girl moment?" Arcee told her cheekily but knew it was true.

"Good point." Emily giggled before noticing that her fuel was running low and there wasn't a gas station around.

"Hey, I'm running low on gas here." Emily told the femme as she should've thought that maybe should have refilled the gas tank of her motorcycle before they left on patrol.

"I'm good here." Arcee told her but Emily quickly sensed the playful tease in it as she rolled her optic-eye playfully.

"You're an alien robot that can transform into a vehicle, Arcee but my motorcycle is not. We better find a gas station." Emily refocused her optic-eye on the road ahead and hoping that they come upon a gas station so she can refuel

"Don't worry. If you run out of gas, I'll be glad to give you a ride. Besides, we can just send your motorcycle back to the base through the ground bridge." Arcee reassured her 18 year old friend who smiled behind her helmet.

"Yeah you're right." Emily smiled softly before spotting a gas station up ahead.

"Look, there's a gas station up ahead." Emily said excitedly as Arcee looked ahead and felt a sense of nostalgia hit her since she remembered that particular gas station.

"Emily-" Arcee started but knew that she wouldn't stop.

"Last one there helps Ratchet clean the base for a week." Emily smirks playfully before she accelerates towards it as Arcee was really shocked but surprised nonetheless.

"Wait!" Arcee tried to make her slow down but Emily didn't hear Arcee as she went straight to the gas station.

"Scrap." Arcee cursed under her breath as she started to accelerate to catch up.

Arcee tried to catch up with Emily but the way the 18 year old was driving was like a pro dirt biker. After Emily finally arrived at the gas station, she turned the key of her motorcycle and turned off the engine before taking off her helmet as she shook her head to let her hair out. She then looks around and sees that the place looks abandoned but notices a few damage to the place like scorch marks and craters before the sound of Arcee's engine was heard as she turned around. Arcee arrived before turning off her hologram driver before transforming back to her Cybertronian form and looked around the place that was familiar to her.

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