Arguing with Each other

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"What are those?" Peter asked as Chara whipped her hand back. "There nothing, seriously. Just some really old files." Chara laughed sheepishly as she tried to wave away the files. But when she touched her own file, an image of her with HATE drooling down her face with her creepy smile on it appeared as the header. Chara rolled her eyes and looked over to Fury. "Really? You couldn't have picked another picture?" Chara said bluntly as he chuckled whilst turning the hologram back to the city. "Well, we couldn't exactly go to your guys island and just ask for a picture." Fury said as Chara rolled her eyes, Asriel nodded at this as it was true while Frisk looked back down at the hologram again.

The hologram then turned into a copy of a black hole, causing Quentin to look up. "They were born in stable orbits, within the black hole. Creatures formed of the primary elements: air, water, fire and earth." Quentin said before looking back to Frisk. "I suspect the same thing happened to you." Quentin said, Frisk only shrugged at this. "The science division had a technical name, we just call them elements." Quentin said as the Black hole turned into the four creatures. "Versions of them exist across mythologies." Hill said as she stood to the side. The creatures then turned into those said myths. "Turns out the myths are real." Quentin said while nodding.

"Like Thor. Thor was just a myth and now I study him in my physics class." Peter said while looking at the hologram. Hill seemed surprised by this as Fury walked up to the hologram table again. "These myths are dangerous, they could also affect the pact humans and Monster have." Fury said as he looked over to the Dreamurr siblings. "They first materialized on my earth many years ago. We immobilize and fought them. But with each battle, they grew. Got stronger." Quentin said, Chara eyed the now formed earth hologram infront of here.

While this explained why Quentin accepted Peter's help hours ago, why did it seem so easy for Beck to defeat Hydron Man? Sure it was tiring in the end, but fighting Hydron Man was no where close to even being as bad as fighting Betty, and she could level a city if she wanted. Chara went back to listening again while Quentin went back to talking. "I was part of the last battalion left trying to stop them. All we did delay the enviable." Quentin said while Peter seemed sorry for him.

"The elementals are here now. They are attacking the same coordinates , our satellites confirm it." Hill said while the earth hologram slowly turned into a fire ball. "We should thank Mr. Beck for destroying the other three. Theirs only one left, fire." Fury informed as he was now sitting in front of a computer. "The strongest of them all. It's the one that destroyed my earth." Quentin said as the now aflame hologram began to disintegrate. "It's the one that took my family." Quentin said as he looked down. Peter looked at Quentin in pity while Chara did feel a little bad. Quentin was even rubbing his wedding ring.

"I'm sorry." Peter said quietly while Frisk nodded, Asriel only watched the hologram as he remembered how tired he was just making a shield when fighting Hyrdon Man. "And it will be in Prague in approximately 48 hours." Hill said as she messed with the zipper on her suit. "We have one mission: kill it. and you four are coming with us." Fury said, shocking Peter a bit. "I'm sorry did you say Prague?" Peter asked Hill, he chuckled dryly as Hill didn't give him any answers. Asriel folded his arms across his chest while Chara tapped her foot in annoyance."Mr. Fury, this all seems like big-time. You know, huge, superhero kind of stuff. And.... I mean, I'm just a friendly neighborhood Spider-man, sir." Peter tried explaining as Fury looked at Peter with annoyance.

"Bitch please. You've been to space and these three go around the multiverse for a cruise trip." Fury said as he gestured to the Dreamurr siblings. Chara nodded at this while Frisk just looked at the director with a deadpanned expression. "Wait, really?" Peter asked as he looked over at the three. "You didn't see the event on the news?" Asriel asked with a raised brow. "We evacuated the City below your mountain and we made sure no info was leaked. So, no. He didn't see it." Fury informed as Chara grumbled at this. Peter then shook his head and turned back to Fury again. "Sir, come on. There's gotta be someone else you can use." Peter said to Fury, desperately. He also said this while walking around the table and in front of Fury.

"What about Thor?" Peter asked, Fury rolled his eyes.

"Off-world." Fury replied in a grumpy tone.

"Okay ummm..... Doctor Strange?" Peter asked again.

"Unavailable." Hill said with a annoyed look on her face.

"Captain Marvel!" Peter said, already done with conversation as Fury narrowed his eyes.

"Don't invoke her name." Fury said, some what annoyed at Peter at this point. Peter could only sigh and run his hands down his face. "Sir, I really wanna help. I do. But if my aunt finds out I left my class trip, she's gonna kill me." Peter said, Asriel eyed his phone and began to sweat nervously. Asriel just remembered he never had his phone on. "And if I'm seen like this in Europe, after the Washington Monument, my whole class will figure out who I am. And then... then the whole world will figure out who I am. And then, I'm done." Peter said, already felling tired from talking to Fury. "I just want to enjoy my vacation! I just ... I need a break from my life right now!" Peter said as he gestured to himself, causing Chara to snicker to herself. Peter was so dead at this point.

Fury then turned to the Dreamurr siblings, leaving Peter on hold. "What about you three?" Fury grumbled, Asriel sighed and rubbed his neck. "I came as back up for Frisk. So whatever they decide, I'll follow them." Asriel said, causing everyone but Chara to turn to  Frisk. Frisk sighed and held up their hands.

'If this creature affects Monster-Kinds freedom, count me in'

Fury nodded at this while Peter sighed again, he already assumed Frisk said yes. Fury then looked over to Chara, annoyance filling her face. "Hmmm, I'll have to say...." Chara said while tapping her chin, everyone looked at her. "That I call bullshit. "Chara said as she glared at Quentin, who seemed a little offended by this. "Don't get me wrong, everyone in your world dying is very tragic. It serves as a bad reminder as you remember you have to fight the fire dude, but nothing adds up." Chara said as she turned her whole body to Quentin. "But that freaky water Monster was no where near as powerful as Betty from Glitchtale, as Fury would know." Chara said as she shifted her gaze to Fury. She then moved her gaze back to Quentin. "Me, Frisk and Asriel were only a little tired facing off you little water beast. More of Asriel but that doesn't change the fact that I'm not gonna work with you." Chara said, Quentin balled his hands a bit.

"Well I'm sorry that what I'm going through is nothing compared to you hiding in the void and running around with the souls of dead children." Quentin said as he walked up to Chara, who remained silent. "I'm not asking you to trust me, only to help get rid of something that could lock up your kind." Quentin said as he held up his hand for Chara to shake, who narrowed her eyes again. "Do you really want to watch your brother, friends and family get locked up all because you refuse to work with us?" Quentin asked, Chara's face softened a bit before thinking about it. As Chara sighed and looked back up to Quentin again. "Fine, but this doesn't mean we're friends." Chara said as she pulled up her hand to shake Quentin. As Chara was about to do so, Asriel felt someone next to him.

Don't let your sister touch him, he'll hurt her

As Asriel heard this, he rushed over to Chara and grabbed her wrist before the two could shake hands. "Just because my sister said she'd work with you, doesn't mean she has to act nice to you." Asriel said as he lowered Chara's hand. Asriel didn't know what came over him, all he knew was that he had to protect Chara. Quentin understood and backed away while Fury watched them. "Why don't you four get back before your teacher miss all of you and become suspicious." Fury said as Asriel let go of Chara's wrist.

"I'm sorry, what?" Peter asked as he seemed the most confused. "I understand all your reasons just like Chara's." Fury said as he stood, Frisk raised a brow at this. "Dimitri, take them back to the hotel, please." Fury ordered as the guard nodded and hurried the teens together. "Thank you Mr. Fury." Peter said gratefully, Chara eyed the director before turning back to the exit once again.

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