Chara's new ability

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Whatever seemed to frighten Frisk, it seemed dangerous as Chara suddenly stopped fighting with Asriel about her hair and looked around. Asriel noticed her reaction and stayed silent as he could tell that Frisk was also on guard. He also noticed the hand gesture Frisk secretly signaled to him as he balled his hands and got his magic ready. But their defensive positions were no matter as water bursted out of the drain, the same one infront of Frisk. "FRISK!" Chara yelled as Asriel and her watched as Frisk was propelled into the air, the two didn't even care to go and look at the river as it began to swirl like whirlpool and going upwards, almost like a hydro-nado. "AZZY!" Chara yelled as she pointed over to the whirlpool, Asriel yelped and groaned as he looked around and saw the water rising up and morphing into the shape of a man. "You help everyone out and I'll get Frisk!" Asriel yelled as he raised a hand, an attack appearing as Chara nodded. As soon as Asriel jumped onto his attack, Chara used her hate to slingshot herself out into the air and used it like Peter's webs to get around faster and avoided the water monster.

Frisk seemed to have twisted their body so they were facing downwards as Asriel zoomed through the air. "I gotcha!" Asriel yelled as he reached out a hand to them and twisted the attack fast enough to dodge the water monster upcoming fist. "What's the plan?" Frisk yelled as Asriel zoomed through the air and used his attacks to catch people who nearly feel into the water. "Right now, let's get every human we can out of here!" Asriel said, Frisk nodded and jumped off Asriel attack, summoning their own attack and helping trying to catch any people falling. Chara flipped downwards and landed in a superhero pose before pushing herself and turning to face the water monster. "Everyone! Get behind me!" Chara yelled to the small crowd behind her as she saw the water monster aiming a fist to Chara. She grunted with effort as she tried to bring up a giant wall of hate infront of her to block the water punch. A few people cheered her on as she tried pushing the hate wall onto the water monster. "Chara!" Someone yelled as Chara dropped to her knees. It was because Chara only used small amounts of hate at times, Chara also looked over to see MJ running over to her, the crowd behind them running away. "Are you okay?!" MJ asked as she knelled next to Chara, she was about to answer but suddenly saw that the water monster was going in for another hit. "MOVE!" Chara said as she caused some hate to quickly move MJ away in time. Not having enough time to dodge herself, Chara got hit by the water punch and was slammed into a building.

Peter saw this as he was holding onto Ned, trying to explain he left his spider-man suit back at the hotel. "Oh no!" Ned yelled as he pointed to the building Chara was slammed into. "Try and get everyone out of here!" Peter yelled to his best friend, who nodded and ran off with MJ. Asriel was still helping people evacuate through the bridge as Frisk tried distracting the water monster by acting like a pesky fly and zoomed around the monster's head. Something was suddenly thrown at Frisk's head that caused them to yelp and fall off their attack and suddenly fall into the water. Frisk opened their eyes and noticed the thing that hit their head was, webbing? Frisk didn't have enough time to think about this as they suddenly noticed they were being dragged downwards by something in the water. Frisk grunted as they tried escaping the water current, whilst holding their breath. But they soon realized, the water monster must be pulling them down. Frisk tried to kick as hard as they could but nothing worked.

Oh, how i wish I was Undyne at that moment!"

Frisk thought as they started to feeling faint from the lack of breathing. But suddenly a whisp of purple magic came out of their chest. No longer resisting, Frisk watched the whisp as they slowly closed their eyes. They almost passed out until suddenly, the purple whisp slammed back into their chest and they suddenly felt different. Blinking for a moment Frisk felt their body being more movable. Frisk's eyes shot open and they looked around, noticing the water was pulling them down, but pushing down from above. Frisk didn't hesitate, twisting their body, they were able to disrupt the water's current enough to slip out of whatever was pushing them down. Frisk looked up and was confused, whatever was above them, it seemed to be invisible. Frisk then narrowed their eyes and swam up to it, surprisingly faster than usual. Once close enough, Frisk attempted to ready a knife and tried to stab whatever was pushing them down, only to find there was no knife. But it seem to work as whatever was manipulating the water's current, died down.

Frisk looked around in confusion before looking at their hand. "WHAT THE?!" Frisk yelled as they saw their normal peach skin hand was now covered in light magenta scales and was webbed. Frisk looked down at themselves and noticed their entire skin was covered in the scales, the neck of their shirt ripped off as gills was also on their neck, Frisk touched the side of their head and realized they must've had the same ears as Undyne did, guessing from how they felt compared to Frisk's normal ears. Frisk also looked down again and saw they had a tail with fins on the sides, fins were also on Frisk's calves. Their socks and shoes were also gone probably destroyed when Frisk turned into some weird sea monster. But all of Frisk's thoughts were suddenly stopped when they heard people falling into the water, causing their head to snap up. "Alright, let's hope people don't think I'm Luca or somethin'." Frisk said and swam off to go help them. With Chara, she groaned as she tried getting up.

Chara blinked for a few moments as she used the debre to help herself up. Chara tried to stand on her own but groan and gasped in pain as she suddenly fell to her knees. "No way I'm gonna let some water monster beat me." Chara growled as she tried to stand back up, hissing in pain as she felt her back screaming at her. Once Chara finally was standing back up, she closed her eyes and tried to take a deep breath. The odd thing was that with each breath she took, Chara felt the pain around her body slowly disappear as she could suddenly stand on her two own feet.

"Huh?" Chara asked as she opened her eyes and then slowly looked at her hand. Her eyes sparkled in interest as she saw the hate oozing towards her back, moving on top of Chara's arm and onto her shoulder. "That's new." Chara said, not noticing the small spark of purple magic glowing from her chest. Chara eventually looked at the water monster and narrowed her eyes. "Let's do this." Chara said and ran out of the debris. Asriel looked down and sighed in relief to see Chara running out from the crushed building. He looked over and his eyes went wide. Frisk, still in their odd fish form, burst through the water and threw small pieces of anything to divert the water monster's attention from the fleeing civilians. But it didn't seem to work too well as the water monster looked up, everyone looked to where the monster was watching. Several people ran through a bridge that was still kept together, but the water monster slowly began to move towards it.

"Oh heck no!" Asriel said as he commanded his attack to zoom over to the bridge. Most of the civilians had already evacuated by the time Asriel jumped off his attack. Peter also jumped onto the bridge and helped a bystander up. "Are you okay? Go, go, go!" Peter said as he helped the women up. She actually looked behind them and began to run off while screaming. Both Asriel and Peter turned around, only to get punched by a wave of water, slamming their bodies into some railing on the other side of the bridge. "Are you good?" Asriel groaned as he got up, looking at Peter who spat out water around his face. Asriel looked up at the water monster but saw it was suddenly getting hit by green beams. Both Asriel and Peter got up and turned behind them, hearing an odd noise that even caused Chara and Frisk to stop suddenly.

Green mist zoomed towards the four teens until a person emerged out of the mist, a person with an orb-like helmet on their head. A red-violet cape wrapped around their shoulders as golden armor with green accents, Illuminati symbols surrounding the figures hands as they began to hover in the sky. "He's uh, not one of yours, is he?" Peter asked, wiping water off his face. Asriel only stared at the figure, almost like he was dazed.

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