Getting off the plane

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So I was doing some research on Frisk and Chara just because I could and I was bored, and I found out that Frisk might be blind. I mean, it does make sense. Frisk has their eyes closed through out the whole game and rarely even opens their eyes in this or the previous book. I wanted to add that detail to this story but figured it'd make no sense, not to mention I have no experience with blind people other than them needing a dog or a stick to help them to avoid danger. But on with the story.

Frisk waved hi to MJ after regaining their posture. "You good? I was trying to get your attention to see if you were in line." MJ said as she pointed to the bathroom, it still in use. Frisk looked at it and began to looked around for some kind of clock to tell them how long they were standing there. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine now." Frisk said and then looked back at MJ with a kind but tired smile. Because there was no one else in the room, Frisk figured it'd be alright to verbally answer MJ. "But you can go ahead of me." Frisk said as they gestured to the bathroom stall. MJ nodded with her lip out a bit to show she was okay with the idea. "Alright." MJ said and stood in front of the bathroom stall, Frisk following behind her and thinking back to themselves.

That was weird, maybe it's a normal thing for them

Frisk looked up in confusion and looked around to see who said that suddenly, but saw no one. Frisk hummed to themselves quietly before looking back in front of them. The door clicked open and revealed Peter, only for him to slam it shut once more after catching sight of MJ. Hearing some clutter going on in the bathroom, MJ putting her ear against it to see if she could figure out what Peter was doing. Frisk turned their head a little to show they were confused, until the stall next to them was open. MJ looked it and just shrugged before going into it, Brad walking up behind Frisk. "Hey uh, Frisk?" Brad asked, Frisk moved their gaze to him with a raised brow. "You don't mind if I go ahead of you, do you? I really need to go." Brad said, Frisk nodded quietly and stepped back for him to enter the space in front of Frisk. He did so quickly and just stood there until the door opened to find Peter.

Guessing from the look on Peter's face, he had assumed MJ was suppose to be standing in the door. Frisk watched as Peter walked back to his seat in defeat and as mush as Frisk wanted to say something, they remained silent and turned back to go into the bathroom. The plan ride was silent and uneventful except for Peter watching as Brad and MJ were laughing at something, Peter wishing he was in Brad's place and making MJ laugh. The next day, everyone was at Venice, Italy and were making sure they had everything and everyone before heading out of the airport. The Dreamurr trio stood next to Ned as they were ready to go, after Frisk demanded all their stuff back like the papers Chara hid from them. "Hey man." Peter said as he finally found Ned and the three. "Did you see Brad and MJ on the plane? They were laughing and watching movies the entire time." Peter whispered in distress as Ned seemed to be in a more chill state. "Dude, don't worry." Ned said as an attempt to calm his best friend down.

"I'm sure that is nothing." Ned said as Chara nodded, unaware that Betty was walking up to them. "Hey Babe. You hold this for me please?" Betty asked as she handed something to Ned, all but Ned and Betty looking very confused. "Yeah of course." Ned said with a smile, Betty thanking him and giving Ned a quick kiss on the cheek before rushing back to go do her own thing. The Dreamurr trio watched Betty walked away in confusion as Peter just looked at his friend in the same emotion. "I have my eyes wide open and I don't understand." Chara whispered to her sibling them nodding as Peter asked what just happened. "Oh, ah, well." Ned said as he laughed a little, now realizing Peter wasn't there when he and Betty started being in a relationship. "We actually got talking on the plane and it turns out we have a lot in common." Ned said with a smile on his face, Frisk writing down notes to see if any of this made sense when they went over the notes again. "So uh, we're boyfriend and girlfriend now."

"What ever happened to being an American bachelor in Europe?" Peter asked as confusion was still in his mind. "Peter, those were the words of a boy." Ned said with honesty, Chara had to cover her mouth from laughing as Asriel looked at Ned with the most confused and doubtful look, Frisk writing more notes. "And that boy met a women, a very powerful and strong women. And now, that boy's a man." Ned said as if he was a poetic, Chara had to hold her stomach because of all the muffled laughter she was holding in. "Babe?" Betty asked from away, catching Ned's attention. "Coming Babe." Ned said as he walked off to her, Frisk lowering their notes and just looking at Peter in confusion. "Two things. One, I have no idea how I wrote down with my eyes closed and two, your Ned friend makes no sense." Frisk signed after setting thier notes onto the ground. Peter jus sighed before going off to follow the class. Eventually, a guard dog found something suspicious about Peter's bag and alerted the guards by sniffing the bag.

"There's nothing in there, I swear." Peter assured the women who was checking his bag, Peter slightly believe he was telling the truth. The Dreamurr trio waited for him as the rest of the class went ahead. The women didn't care and unzipped his bag, flinging open the case and staring at Peter unapprovingly. It seemed as though Peter didn't want to bring his suit as it laid on top with a sticky note from his aunt. Chara looked around to make sure no one was watching Peter bag and got ready to wipe anyone's mind, Asriel had smacked his forehead as Peter chuckled nervously.

"You almost forgot this!! Love May." 

The note said as the women reached into the bag and pulled out a banana Peter had packed for snacking on. "This no." The women said, the teens sighed in relief as Peter nodded. "No banana, got it." Peter said and grabbed his bag, the Dreamurr walking with him. "You guys didn't have to wait for me." Peter said as Frisk looked around to make sure no one was following them. "We just have to make sure no one tries to hurt you, Fury's orders." Asriel said as Chara zipped up Peter's bag, Peter sighed and shook his head. "I already told you guys I said no." Peter said and ran off to go find the class, Chara sighed as Asriel and Frisk watched him go. "I told he'd want us to go away." Chara said and looked around, pausing when she was a mural above them for Tony. 

It was a picture of Tony standing in his nano-tech suit without his mask on. A faded image of his helmet behind him as a capital surrounded by a body of water was the background. Frisk and Asriel noticed it and just looked at it, Frisk took a picture with their phone and looking at the picture just to make sure of something. "Make the head just as big as the helmet in the back and you've got how big his ego was." Chara said, Asriel rolled his eyes and ushered the two off to the other class. Once the teacher was sure everyone was with them, they all went off. But Frisk felt something watching them all and turned around to see what it was. For a moment, they could've sworn they had seen Gaster, just watching them. But when someone walked in front of Frisk view of Gaster, he was gone a second later. "Come on everyone, were gonna be traveling by boat to our hotel! The teacher yelled, catching Frisk attention once more and then rushing out to catch the others.

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