Entering the plane

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The next day...

Peter flipped open his plane window as several students or adults went into their seats. His friend, Ned, sat next to him as he looked back with a smile. He was about to try and look for MJ, until he heard someone seeming to have a problem. "Just because I look like an actual goat, doesn't mean I am one!" Asriel told the flight attendant. Peter and Ned looked up to see an annoyed Asriel being stopped by a Flight attendant. Chara and Frisk were standing behind him "I'm sorry sir, but we don't allow animals onto the deck. You're gonna have to go with the rest of the animals down below." The woman said and tried to push back Asriel, only for MJ to dash in. Turns out she was behind them. "Actually ma'am, he can be here. If you're worried about him shedding, goats only shed during the spring. But even then it's not that much, about same as we humans lose our hair from daily activities." MJ said as she held up her phone for proof to the woman's face. The flight attendant then looked at the phone and sighed. "You also are aware your disrespecting royalty, right?" MJ said with a look as if she thought the flight attendant was stupid while using her free hand to point at Asriel. The woman raised a brow as Frisk walked in front of Asriel with an annoyed look.

"Oh my! I didn't know the ambassador of monsters was boarding. My apologies." The flight attendant said, you could feel the anger radiating off Frisk as they gripped their bag strap. They released their bag and held up their hands and began to sign at the woman. "I have talked with the president about monster laws. My friend is just as allowed to board this plane with the other humans as you are to work at it." Chara translated, the woman gulped as MJ smirked and Asriel rubbed his arm. Frisk then began to sign again. "I will give you this one warning or I will have you fired." Chara translated again with a smirk as Peter and Ned watched, wide eyes. "O-of course." The woman said and dashed off, feeling Frisk glare burn into her back as she did. Frisk only kept glaring until Asriel nudged Frisk's shoulder with his own elbow, letting them know that enough was enough. The four started walking as the people behind them began to get annoyed with the hold up. Chara sighed in relief that all was smooth sailing from here on out, only to find she was wrong.

"Hey, yo, Parker!" Flash said as the four stopped in front of Peter's seat. MJ looked over at Flash with an annoyed look to see he was drinking something, champagne most likely. "This is called an airplane, it's like the buses you used except flies over the poor neighborhood instead of driving through them." He said as he used his hand to gesture the plane flying. Much to her annoyance, MJ saw the flight attendant next to Flash. "Ma'am?" MJ said, the flight attendant humming in response as she turned to MJ as Flash looked like anything she said would have no effect. "He blipped so technically he's 16, not 21." MJ said as she pointed to Flash, the flight attendant saw the drink and had a smile on her face. "I'll take that." The flight attendant said and took the drink from Flash's hand, causing him to gasp quietly as she walked away. Yup, that affected him for sure. "She's lying! I don't even know this girl!" Flash said and then dashed after the flight attendant, earning several laughs and snickers. MJ looked back at Peter and nodded to him with a smile, showing she got his back and walked to her seat. Frisk, Asriel and Chara smirked at Peter as they walked by and took the seats behind Peter and Ned. "Classic MJ, right?" A classmate said with a giant smile on his face, he then headed over to his seat that was close to MJ's. Peter and Ned watched the classmate leave, Peter's smile turning into a disgusted one and Ned only smiling as he looked at his friend then the classmate and then Peter again.

"Did you know Brad was coming?" Peter asked his friend in annoyance, he then looked back at the three behind him and Ned and saw that Frisk was doing some paperwork as Chara read a comic book and Asriel was texting everyone back on the island. "I-it's so weird." Ned said, catching Peter's attention as they both looked back as they looked at their classmate. "One day, he's that little kid that cried and got nose bleeds all the time and suddenly, we blip back and he's totally ripped, and nice, and all the girls are after him." Ned said as Brad helped MJ with her loading her luggage. "Not all the girls are after him." Peter chuckled in disagreement as he gave a quick glance to Ned before looking back at Brad and MJ. Chara smirked a little as she flipped the page of her comic. "No man, they're all after him." Ned said, MJ laughing as Brad tells her a joke most likely. Chara chuckled softly, causing Ned and Peter to look at her. Chara looked up at them, sensing they were looking at her. "You're not trying to get to him?" Ned asked, Chara closed her book a little and leaned towards the two. "I'ma tell you a secret." Chara said, they got a little closer towards her as her hands were gripped tight. All joy was once again wiped from her face as chills were sent down the boy's spines. "Men and boys have proven to me over and over again that they're not good for anything. I've been in so many near death situations and even have died once." Chara said with an annoyed smirk, causing the two to widen their eyes. "And who helped me? A boy? No, I helped myself and it's been like that for years." Chara said and leaned back in her chair with the comic closed.

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