Peters plan

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Chara looked at the notebook, Asriel and Frisk already signed it and Ned was trying his best not to be super excited or seem annoying. Chara signed the paper and held it out to Ned like it was a piece of trash. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" Ned said and was about to walk away, with the paper book in hand. He was so amazed about getting the trio's autographs that he didn't even notice that Flash outstretched his foot for Ned to trip on. Chara was the first to react and shoved her hand out towards Ned, hate sprouting out of her hand and grabbing Ned's back before his face planted into the ground.

Everyone one was silent and shocked as Chara used the hate to carefully set Ned back onto his own two feet and then patted Ned's head before being sucked back into Chara's hand. Chara then looked at her hand and turned it around as if she was inspecting it as Flash looked at Chara with a horrified look on his face."What in the world are you?" Flash said as he tried to seem tough, Chara turned to him as tears of hate came oozing out of her eyes. And speaking of her eyes, they were fully black with a red slit going down the middle in each eye. Chara growled at Flash as a warning, causing him to yelp and fall out of his chair. "Someone you don't want to annoy." Chara said and put her hands on her hips. "Don't get in my way or don't annoy me, and we'll have smooth sailing." She said and walked away. She grabbed Ned's arm and sat him down in a table. She sat at the same table but a chair apart from Ned as she shoved her feet onto the desk in a relaxed position. Btw, Chara isn't wearing what was put on the cover. She's wearing black leggings with army boots.

'Lol, I think he peed his pants'

Frisk snickered as she signed to Asriel and pointed to Flash. Asriel snickered and held his mouth shut. Flash saw this and growled as he stood up and glared at Frisk. "What did you say?!" He yelled, Frisk signed again and tried so hard not to burst out with laughter. "I DID NOT! SHUT UP!" He yelled and tried punching Frisk, this caused them to suddenly stop laughing and just seem to gaze at Flash. Peter Parker walked in and his eyes went wide as he saw Frisk easily catch Flash's fist. "Woah." Peter said quietly as Frisk's face turned into an aggravated one as they simply twisted Flash arm. He began to say uncle over and over again until Frisk let go and then popped their own knuckle. Asriel sighed and grabbed Frisk Jacket hood before dragging them over to the same table next to Ned. "I'm starting to think that you two need to stop hanging out with Undyne so much." Asriel said in a tired voice as he plopped Frisk down into a chair next to Chara, not next to Ned. He took the empty seat next to Frisk who began to sign again.

'It's not my fault mom had us do training with Fishsticks. And besides, you'd be better at using your attacks if you'd just try a minute with her'

Asriel grumbled as Chara nodded to this. "Unlike you two, I always choose MERCY over FIGHT any day." Asriel said as he folded his arms across his chest. He then noticed the derp and blunt looks he was getting from Chara and Frisk. "Ok, from now on." He said as he leaned back. They suddenly heard snoring and looked over to see Chara was passed out, causing Frisk to grab their notebook and write down something in Wingdings. Papyrus taught them how to use it as Asriel got another text from his mother, this allowed Peter to talk to his friend without much worry of interruption. "Dude, did you see that?!" Ned whispered yelled so as to not wake Chara. She grumbled a bit but just put her arm over her eyes to cancel out any light. "Yeah, but I have a plan." Peter said as he sat still. "First, I'm gonna sit next to MJ on the flight." Ned hummed in agreement. "Second, I'm gonna buy a dual headphone adapter and watch movies with her, the whole time." He said and used his hand to show his excitement.

"Okay." Ned said and moved forward a bit to allow him to slouch a bit as Peter explained his plan. "Three, when we go to Venus, Venus is super famous for making stuff out of glass, right?" Peter said, Ned nodded as he agreed. "So I'm going to buy her a black dahlia necklace, because her favorite flower is the black dahlia because of well..." He said and paused. "The murder." Ned said, he was talking about the infamous Hollywood murder as he nodded his head. "The murder. Four, when we get to Paris, I'm gonna take her to the top of the Eiffel tower. Give her the necklace." Peter said as he held up his hand as if he was holding the necklace he was planning on buying for his crush. Ned nodded as he seemed impressed with this plan. "Five, tell her how I feel." Peter said and put his hand down as he paused. "And then six, hopefully she tells me, she feels the same way." Peter said, Chara was listening and slightly lifted up her elbow.

"Oop, don't forget step seven." Ned said, Peter grabbed a pen as he was ready to write down something. "What's step seven?" Peter asked as he was about to write down what his friend says. "Don't do any of that." Ned said bluntly as Peter looked up at his friend. This caused Chara to snicker as she held her mouth. This caused both Peter and Ned to look at her. "I'm sorry." Chara said as she laughed a little and pulled her feet off the table. "He just said it so suddenly that it caught me off guard." Chara said, Peter raised a brow and looked at Ned and then at Chara again. "I've also been neutral to the whole talk when they think I'm not around stuff." Chara said. "So what did you do when people talked about you behind their back?" Peter raised as he twisted his body to her. "Also do you have any advice on how to talk to girls?" Peter asked, Chara raised a brow at him.

"Uh.... don't?" Chara said as she raised her hands into the air with a confused look on her face. The boys were now even more confused. "What? The girls here don't run away from you whenever you look at them?" Chara said. "Uh, no?" Ned said, Chara hummed as she held her chin. Betty from the news channel suddenly walked in and got eye contact with Chara. This caused a yelp from Betty who rushed to her desk. "Why did she run away?" Peter asked, Chara snapped her fingers which earned the boys attention back to her. "Your telling me that never has ever happened to you?" Chara said and gestured to Betty. Peter looked at Chara and then noticed her wrist and the marking on it.

"Woah, what is that-" He pointed at Chara's wrist and immediately, Frisk grabbed it and pulled Chara out of the seat. This action surprised the boys, Asriel wasn't paying attention as he was discussing something with Alphys. "I can't see, why don't we switch spots Chara?" Frisk said, but didn't give Chara any time to answer before Frisk sat Chara down into their chair. "Okay?" Peter said as he noticed Chara was holding the wrist that Frisk grabbed. "I just wanted to know what that thing was on her wrist-" Asriel suddenly heard this and tried to put his fluffy hands over Chara's ear before Chara could hear Peter. Frisk made their stick attack appear and put it over Chara's eyes.

'Please don't mention that, ever'

Frisk signed quickly, Chara couldn't exactly see what was happening and hadn't heard what Peter said. Chara was about to ask what had happened, until Asriel held a chocolate in front of Chara. "Never mind." She said gleefully as she gratefully took the candy bar and started munching on it. Ned gave Frisk a thumbs and quietly explained what Frisk said.

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