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That's all that could be heard. The only thing that wasn't normal, was the seagulls crying out for any kind of food they could get. Frisk was standing on the coast line on the little island Shield gave them and monster kind to live peacefully one. Frisk had their hands in their dark lavender fur lined jacket, shivering lightly as their shorts didn't give them much heat. It's been five years since a villain, known as Thanos, was killed. It's been five years and four months since almost all monsters kind dusted. Sans was assumed to be alive, but Frisk didn't know for sure.

Five years and four months ago...

Frisk, who was still a child, was cutting carrots in the kitchen as Papyrus looked at a pot above an oven in curiosity. Toriel was stirring the pot with a wooden spoon as Chara came in with a bag. She still had her sweater on as well, but her hair was about shoulder length, allowing Chara to put it into a messy bun. "I got the pot roast you wanted mom. Azzy is behind me with the potatoes." Chara informed as she walked over to a counter next to Toriel with the bag and placed the bag on the counter. "I also got those spices you wanted Pap." Chara said as Papyrus dug into the bag with a giant smile. "How kind of you Chara." Toriel said with a smile, but then stopped and looked at the door Chara just came through. "Where is Asriel?" Toriel said, the door was then slammed open to see a slightly banged up, angered Asriel with a bag of potatoes in hand.

"SHE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FREAKING STAIRS!" Ariel yelled as he pointed at Chara, she was just smiling her butt off as Toriel and Frisk gave an unapproved look to the demon child. "Push is such a strong word." Chara said as she raised her hands in the air with a closed eyed smile. "I would prefer, giving you a little nudge." Chara said as Frisk carefully pushed the sliced carrots into the pot with Toriel's help. Asriel didn't look pleased as he put the potatoes down. "I'll give you a little nudge when I shove an attack up your-"

"ASRIEL DREAMURR!" Toriel yelled, causing them all to be silent. Even Papyrus stopped looking through the small bag for his spices he was planning on using. "We do not use such language in this household!" Toriel scowled, causing Asriel to look nervous as he hoped his mother wouldn't ask a certain question. "Where did you even learn that word?" Toriel said as he gestured to Asriel with the spoon she was just using. If you've known Azzy for as long as Chara and Frisk have, you'll know the kid can't keep a secret to save his soul. Asriel started sweating as Frisk, Chara and Papyrus kept on doing motions to signal Asriel not to tell the angry mom from behind her. But before Asriel could say anything, Sans walked into the kitchen.

"Hey guys, is dinner done?" Sans said with a lazy smile. Toriel kindly welcomed him but then noticed Asriel was more nervous and was trying his best not to look at Sans. It took Toriel a moment and before Papyrus could try to grab his brother and dash out, Toriel glared at Sans with a fire attack ready in hand. Sans was confused until Frisk signed something.

'Mom found out that you taught Azzy to curse'

Sans looked at Toriel with feared filled eye sockets as he tried to turn around and escape. "Welp, I gotta go." Sans said, he was expecting some kind battle cry from Toriel, but all he heard was gasps. "W-what is happening?" Toriel said as she looked at her hands, everyone had fear plastered on their faces as Toriel had dust coming off of her. "My children?" Toriel said and tried to rush over to the sweater trio and hug them in hopes that would save her. But before they could even touch, her form collapsed into a pile of dust. "MOM!" Chara and Asriel yelled as they tried to stop the dust from happening, Frisk just stood there, frozen with a knife still in hand. Sans was no longer smiling as he arms were by his side and his sockets were empty. He then heard a frightful gasp and turned to see Papyrus form was turning to dust as he looked at his gloves.

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