What is your soul?

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"He's our Dunkle." Asriel answered as he made the magic rose go away. Peter, Ned and MJ looked at him. "His name is Sans. He told a lot of bad jokes like a dad, was overprotective of us like a dad and always seemed to make us feel better." Asriel informed. "Why are you saying it in past tense?" Peter asked, Asriel rubbed his neck as Frisk just looked down at their lap. Char just glared at the artwork in front of herself. "He teleported away after the blip happened. We've tried contacting him for the past 5 years, but nothing." Asriel said as he used the pencil he was using to tape the paper once or twice. MJ straightened her lips and set the sketch down, allowing Peter and Ned to look at it. MJ looked at the last picture Frisk had recently got done with. She turned her head about with confusion. "Something wrong MJ?" Peter asked, MJ looked at Frisk and then the picture again. MJ set flipped the picture showing the RESET button surrounded by shaded black, mostly likely from the pencil.

'I use to have the ability to manipulate time, we called it a RESET'

Frisk signed, then used magic to pull out their human soul. Peter and Ned looked at the soul in interest while MJ nodded in thought.

'I can show you what yours would be if you like'

"Sure." MJ said and put the last picture down. Frisk put their soul away and then used fire magic to try and summon the souls of MJ, Ned and Peter. MJ had Perseverance, Ned was kindness and Peter was a mix of Justice and Kindness. This caused Chara to look at Peter's soul.

"Woah, we've seen weird before but the fact that your soul is a mix of two..." Chara said, Peter said, Asriel seemed to be thinking. "Which makes sense that Ned is Kindness, Peter is a mix of Justice and Kindness and MJ is Perseverance." Asriel admitted, MJ seemed to nod but then the souls disappeared. "Can we do that?" Ned asked with glee, Chara shook her head. "Sorry, but you three don't have enough magic. Seems fitting because the monsters were made of magic." Chara said as she shoved her feet onto the desk again in a chill or relaxed motion. "Right, so, why would you help green over here with art?" MJ said as she gestured to Chara who smirked. Peter was confused and Ned could tell as MJ looked at the boys.

" He's not. He's just gonna collect tiny spoons while traveling around different countries." Ned said with a smirk and winked at Peter, Chara smacked her forehead as Asriel rubbed his forehead upon seeing his artwork was still looking terrible. "Like, like a grandmother?" MJ questioned, Ned slowly realized he just made the situation worse. Then Peter remembered what Chara said. This caused him to laugh nervously as he "I'm not collecting tiny spoons, he's collecting tiny spoons." Peter said and used his pen to point at Ned who was still smiling nervously. "Oh, okay." MJ said and paused for a moment before using her hand to gesture to the boys by swinging her hand in a circular motion. "That was a real roller coaster." MJ said as she laughed at the end, Ned and Peter looked down at the table in awkwardness as they quietly hummed in agreement.

"By the way, travel tip, you should probably download a VPN on your phone just so the government can't track you while we're abroad." MJ informed as she grabbed her artwork. "Smart." Peter said as he nodded in agreement. "Will do." He said as he pointed at MJ with his pen. MJ turned to the Dreamurr trio. "I'm MJ by the way." She said to the three. "Chara, that's Frisk. Frisk uses they and them pronouns just so you know. She and her pronouns for me." Chara said as she pointed a thumb at herself and then a thumb at Frisk who waved. "Asriel." Asriel said as he raised a hand, the glowing rose was back on his arm. MJ nodded and walked off to go put her artwork somewhere to dry, the bell ringing to tell missing kids were tardy.

"Dude, I think that went really great." Ned said after he sighed, only to get neutral looks from Chara and Frisk, Asriel slapped his forehead as Peter looked at Ned with an annoyed look of some kind.

After school...

Frisk, Asriel and Chara were standing in front of the school, waiting for the bus. "I just want to go home already." Chara complained, you could tell she was worn out from just that one school day. "How do people our age do this five of six times a week?!" Chara grumbled as she rubbed her eyes, Asriel sighed as he pulled a bagel off his horn. "At least people didn't play ring toss with you at lunch." Asriel complained and tossed the bagel to the ground, several pigeons diving down at it the moment it touched the ground. Frisk was looking at their phone and then the parking lot. Frisk hummed as they looked through their contacts in hopes of getting something.

Happy should've been here

Frisk thought as they looked around. Then they heard music being played and turned to see a black Audi A8 L driving up to them. The window was rolled down to reveal Happy in the driver's seat. Songs by AC DC were being played from the radio. "Just put your bags in the trunk." Happy said in a hurried tone. The three hurried along to the trunk and then rushed into the back. Happy then started driving and handed Frisk a list. "Okay, so you have a couple of meets and hopefully we can get those done before we go and grab the check for the homeless shelter." Happy said, Frisk was sitting in the back and looked at the list. Frisk then started thinking how long it will take. They began to sign something for Chara. "They said that each meeting should take only 30 minutes, so about 2 hours. Is that okay?" Chara asked, Happy gave a thumbs up and the trio took a deep breath. Fully exhausted and were going to take any sleep they could get. 

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