Contender #2 has Entered!

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Whoever this figure was, they seemed experienced in dealing with this water monster, for they kept dodging most attacks thrown at him and even hit the beast with their own abilities. It almost seemed like magic, but with the way it was affecting the monster, Chara doubted it was SOUL magic. After getting two hits on the elemental, the beast tried landing their own punch on the figure. But the figure was quick to act and used some sort of protection barrier to block the attack. But that didn't last long as the beast hit the figure with it's other hand, sending the figure into the water. Frisk yelped as the waters waves suddenly became violent and started throwing Frisk everywhere into the water.

The figure burst out the water as Chara watched the water carefully. Chara looked up and kept watching the figure as he zoomed through all the water based attacks, finally shooting a blast that was strong enough to blast off the water beast's head. The figure hovered in the air, his hands up and ready to attack. A few moments ago though, Peter found a random mask, put it on and began to climb onto the roof of the bridge, whilst Asriel shook his head. "Excuse me Sir!" Peter yelled in an attempt to get the figure's attention. "I can help! Let me help!" The figure turned to Peter, hands still in a protective stance. "I'm really strong, and I'm sticky!" Peter yelled, Chara rolled her eyes. "I need you to lead it away from the canals!" The figure said almost immediately, Chara took this into account.

A random man, who can do a lot more damage to the water monster, almost immediately accepted Peter's help. The way the figure answered so quickly kind of rubbed Chara the wrong way, but she shook it off as the water Monster began to morph back into its shape. The figure lowered himself quickly before propelling himself through the bridge, the water monster raising his hand. Chara looked at the bridge and noticed Asriel was still on it. But he seemed more focused on something as he held both hands to his forehead, eyes squeezed shut. "AZZY!" Chara yelled, using the hate to propel herself and grab Asriel by his shoulder before the rest of the bridge was destroyed by the water monster. "WHOA!" Asriel yelled suddenly as Chara used more hate to surround Asriel and herself as they went propelling into the water. "HOLD ON!" Chara yelled as Asriel hugged her.

But Asriel suddenly felt something latch onto his back and yanked him and Chara up before even hitting the water. Peter grunted as he tried to pull the two teens onto a roof he landed on. Asriel braced for impact as Chara commanded the hate surrounding them to create a soft landing for them. Once the two landed onto it, they looked up at Peter. "You guys get the civilians and I'll get the falling debris." He said and then jumped off and chased after the figure. Chara and Asriel nodded and got off the roof top, Frisk jumping through the waves and going after the water monster. The water monster broke a smaller bridge and bumped into a building, the four go to work and made sure no one was harmed. But Frisk stopped abruptly and stared at the falling building, Peter was currently trying to make sure it was kept together by using his webs.

Frisk frowned and stared at the other civilians, most screaming at their appearance and running away. Frisk looked back at the water and balled their hands. There was no way they'd let this continue. Frisk then dove under the water and tried to see what they could do from below. Meanwhile, the actual class was nearby. The main teacher was holding a map of some sort. "This is why we're here in Venice!" The other teacher said as the students trailed behind him. "Oh, this is it." The main teacher said as he looked up, both teachers grin suddenly disappeared. "Closed."

"What do you mean closed? 'Till when?" The other teacher said. "November." Brad said as he stood next to the door, another student next to him. "You didn't check the website?" The other teacher said as he looked at the main one. "Well, that's a good idea." The main teacher said, now taking into account that maybe double checking information was probably the best. But no one seemed to care as the figure zoomed past them, the water Monster closed behind. "Move people, move!" Chara yelled as she flipped to the class, Asriel was close behind and tried to make a barrier around the class and other civilians. "Dreamurrs? What's happening? Where's Frisk?!" The main teacher said as Chara used her hate to hold up buildings. "Not right now!" Chara yelled.

"I am your teacher and I demand an answer!" The main teacher said, Asriel groaned in annoyance and turned to face him. "WE ARE CLEARLY DEALING WITH A MONSTER SO CAN THE QUESTIONS WAIT FOR NOW?!" Asriel yelled, Chara grunting as she tried to help the figure land some hits onto the water monster. The other teacher raised his hands as if in a surrendering tone. "Good! Now, hold on!" Chara said as she whipped her body around and summed some HATE and then pushed it up to the group behind the teens. The HATE moved everyone up as Chara stomped the ground and pushed Asriel and Chara up.

"Whoa!" Asriel yelled as he was propelled into the air, he then noticed what Chara was doing. He summoned two attacks, one going under him and the other under Chara. Chara waved her arms around to command the HATE to move the class onto the rooves. Chara sighed in exhaustion and looked as Asriel before giving a weak thumbs up. Asriel then commanded the attacks to zoom after the water monster again, both being side-by-side. "I told you you should've practice your Magic before we left!" Asriel yelled as he avoided fleeing birds, Chara only scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You know better than anyone that HATE is activated by negative emotions, I can't practice with it unless you wanna deal with a brat." Chara yelled back with a smug grin on her face.

"Never stopped you before!" Asriel said with a grin, Chara narrowed her eyes with a smile. "Touche." She said back before looking downwards and seeing Frisk helping swimming citizens back to land again. Frisk looked up at them and gave the two a thumbs up before diving under the water once again. "Frisk is doing good." Chara said as Asriel used his attacks to help people in the water. "They'll take care of the ones falling into the water. If we want to help them, let's make sure no one else falls into the water!" Chara said, causing Asriel to nod and then rush off.

I know this one's a little shorter than usual but I haven't updated in a bit so here you guys go!

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