Meeting Mysterio officially

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"What is it with you and Spider-Man?" MJ questioned as Peter looked up at the group, Frisk sat on the ground and stared at the TV, hoping to drown some things out. "What? He's awesome, okay? He protects the neighborhood, and, you know, he's inspiring. He inspires me to be a better man." Flash said as Peter walked up, folding his arms across his chest while Asriel looked at Flash. "'Sup dickwad?" Flash said, Peter only gave a thumbs up with a tight smile while Asriel snickered to himself. "So much for being a better man." Chara mumbled under her breath, a smirk on her lips as Frisk noticed the channel suddenly had words pop up on it.

"Sounds like his name's Mysterio." Brad said, Chara stared at the TV and thought for a moment. "Cool name." Ned and Betty said at the same time, Asriel rolled his eyes as Ned and Betty looked at eachother. "Babe!" The two said as Asriel walked over to Chara. "Their worse than the times we caught mom and dad kissing." Asriel said, causing Chara to gag immediately. "Oh yeah, don't remind me." Chara said with a laugh as Frisk only shook their head while smirking a bit. Frisk eventually sighed and stood up, Chara and Asriel noticed. "We're gonna head to bed." Chara said as she watched Frisk go up the stairs, Asriel following suit. The main teacher looked up and was about to say something. "No we don't need emotional counseling after today's traumatic event."

"Ok." The teacher quietly as Chara followed her siblings, feeling Peter and Ned watching her. Once the three made it to their rooms, Chara sighed in relief after falling onto her bed. The room had a bunk-bed, which Chara and Frisk slept in and another bed that Asriel called. "We're getting to old for this super hero thing." Chara complained as Frisk climbed up the ladder, Asriel raised a brow at her. "We're literally only 15." Asriel shot back, Chara moved up her head to stare at her goat sibling. "And Frisk's been doing this hero thing since they were five." Chara shoot back, earning a quiet snicker from Frisk.

"Ha ha ha, laugh it up." Asriel said as he flopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling. "But you're not wrong." Asriel said as both Chara and Frisk looked at him. "We can't just do this forever, we're gonna have to stop sooner or later. It's not like we're immortal." Asriel said, both remained quiet as Chara sat up. "Fair." Chara said, but the light suddenly went off. All three sat up and looked around, they remained silent until something slipped under their door. Asriel was the first to get up and stared at it, Chara and Frisk watched silent as Asriel picked up the object. He then flipped it over and grumbled, turning around to his siblings. "Guess we took to long." Asriel said and shown the object to be a piece of paper.

Chara grumbled as she saw the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on the card. "What does he want now?" Frisk mumbled, Asriel flipped the card around to show some writing on it. "He wants us to meet him in the front of the hotel." Asriel said, causing the brunettes to grumble in annoyance. The three waited before sneaking out of the hotel, already seeing Nick Fury and Peter in his Spider-man suit. Chara sighed and folded her arms across her chest while Asriel slowly closed the door behind them. "Ambassador." Fury said as he nodded to Frisk. 

'Director Fury'

Frisk signed as Chara walked over to the boat that remained in the water. "Can we get going? I'd like to get some sleep please." Chara grumbled, but two mechanical arms popped out. Chara stared at the arms as they scanned her and Asriel. "What the-" Peter said as they heard a positive ding from the scanners, images popping up on a holo-screen. Images of Chara and Asriel of when they were kids appear on the holo-screen. "Scan complete. Chara and Asriel Dreamurr. Danger risk, 30%." A voice said from the boat before the arms then went back into the boat, Chara turned her body to Fury, an angered look on her face. "Explanation, now." Chara demanded as Asriel and Frisk climbed onto the boat.

"I disappeared for fives, no one has checked up you and your monster friends since then. The only thing they know is when your friend Sans came to the helicarrier a month after I disappeared." Fury said as he climbed in, shock filling the Dreamurrs faces. "I explain more, right now we need to go." Fury said as Peter climbed into the boat, Chara following suite. Her rage still bubbled as Fury started up the boat and drove through the water. As the ride was silent, Peter looked back at the three. He had only heard a few brief things about Sans and noticed the worried looks on Frisk and Asriel faces, Chara seemed more annoyed if anything.

"Stark left these for you." Fury said, causing Peter to turn around and see the director hold up a small and slim case, the Stark logo etched on the top. "Really?" Peter asked as he grabbed the case, he then opens it and found they were a pair of sunglasses. "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Stark said you wouldn't get that since it's not a Star Wars reference." Fury smirked while Peter only smiled. He eventually closed the case and looked back up, seeing Fury was driving them to a hidden pier. Once the five get off the boat, Fury turns to Peter. "Remove the mask. Everyone here has seen you without it. You'd only be feigning anonymity and breathing through a spandex for no reason." Fury said, Peter then pulled off his mask as Chara eyed the walls.

"Come on." Fury said as some guards walked up to him, Chara gripped her hand as Asriel narrowed his eyes. Peter noticed and also saw that Fury held up his hand. "I've already scanned them. Their clean." Fury said as he kept walking, but that didn't stop the guards from watching the Dreamurr siblings closely. Once the four teens walking in, they saw that the sewer had been turned into some underground bunker full of people around computers and agents just waiting for their next assignment. "There we have Maria Hill." Fury said as he gestured to an agent at a data pad. She briefly looked up before returning to her work. "That, is Demitry." Fury said as another agent cocked their gun, ready to let lose as he also watched the Dreamurr siblings. 

"And this, is Mr. Beck." Fury said as the four teens looked up. All were shocked upon seeing Mysterio, but his green-sphere helmet was removed to reveal a man. "Mysterio?" Peter asked as Chara eyed Beck. First, this man pops up out of no where and then is buddies with S.H.I.E.L.D. ?  "What?" Beck asked quietly as he walked over to Peter, who shook his head. "Doesn't matter, it's just what my friends been calling you." Peter said, Beck looked up at the Dreamurr group and chuckled a bit. "Well, you can call me Quentin." Beck said as he held his hand for Peter to shake, which the spider did. "You handled yourself well out there today. I saw what you did with the  tower." Beck said, Peter chuckled a little before Chara rolled her eyes. "I didn't do it alone, my friends helped me out a lot." Peter said as he gestured to the Dreamurr siblings.

Beck only nodded and walked up to the three, shaking Asriel and Frisk's hand before standing infront of Chara. Chara only raised her brow before Frisk elbowed her, causing Chara to reluctantly to shake Beck's hand. "We could use someone like you four on my world." Quentin said before turning around and heading back to where he was standing. "Thanks." Peter said as the Dreamurr siblings eyebrows raised. "I'm sorry, your world?" Chara demanded while pointing to Quentin. "Uh, Mr. Beck is from earth. Just not yours." Fury said as he walked past the four teens, causing Peter to turn back to Quentin.

"There are multiple realities, Peter. This one is earth, dimension 616. I'm from earth 833." Quentin said while freaked out. "Also known as the original AU and Timeline." Asriel mumbled under his breath as Peter walked up to Quentin. "I'm sorry, you're saying theirs a multiverse? I thought that was theoretical!" Peter said, unaware that Chara was walking up to him. She then summoned some HATE and turned it into a flip-flop. "Enough." Chara said as she smacked the back of Peter's head. "We get it, you're a giant nerd who didn't know the multiverse, AU's or timelines existed out of this one." Chara grumbled as she dismissed the flip flop. Peter looked at her confused while he rubbed the spot she hit.

"Hey." Quentin said, causing Peter and Chara to look up at him while Asriel and Frisk walked up to the holo-table. "Don't apologize for being the smartest one in the room. Sometimes the multiverse serves a bad reminder to some." Quentin said as he looked over to Chara, who's eyes narrowed at Quentin. "Don't act like you know me, you don't know anything about us." Chara said as her hand slipped onto the hologram surface. The holo-gram fizzled and was replaced with three files, each with the Dreamurr siblings name on it.

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