Remembering a past

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I'm supposed to be watching a play, so I'm letting it play in the background and all i'm hearing is freaking Mettaton. Help.

Frisk snorred quietly as drool came out of their mouth, only to snort awake when the plane rumbled a little and looked around for a moment and sighed in relief when they saw it was nothing. Frisk looked down at the little tray and freaked out a little when they saw the paperwork was gone. They began to look around in a frantic state and spotted the bag between Chara and Asriel. "Oh, come one." Frisk complained quietly as their arms rested by their torso in defeat. They should've known that Chara would wake up randomly, she used to do it when she was still a ghost. Back before the three had met the avengers, Chara never really needed to worry about sleep because her's and Frisk's were connected and Chara wouldn't leave Frisk unless Chara wanted to. Frisk figured Chara had something on the case so that Frisk couldn't get to it. So they got up quietly, trying to carefully get through to the hall without waking someone up. Frisk yelped in fear quietly as they tried to balance themselves after trying to get through and sighed in relief when balanced. Frisk stretched a little before walking to the bathroom, checking the door. They sighed when they saw it was being used, so they looked out a window while waiting. A flashback coming to mind suddenly.

Flash back time....

Natasha gripped the handle of the quinjet with eyes staring ahead, a serious look on her face. But then she heard a sigh behind her, causing Nat to turn her head behind her to see Frisk, but back when they were a child. Nat looked at the bruised Frisk who had their arms folded across their chest, before looking back at the console and turning on auto pilot. "Same course as normal Jarvis." Natasha said as the seat rolled backwards, Jarvis agreeing politely as Nat unbuckled her seat and walked over to Frisk. Nat sighed as she plopped herself down next to Frisk and then looked at them. "So." Nat said as she folded her arms across her chest, Frisk not looking up. "How am I gonna tell Toriel and Sans about your little fight?" "He deserved it." Frisk growled, Nat raised a brow with a blunt look. Frisk sighed once again and looked ahead, their eyes still closed. "That could be said about most things. I also know you'd never actually hurt someone, even if they deserved it." Nat said as she raised her pointer finger in a lazily way like she was pointing at something. Frisk only gripped their chair in anger. "But I don't have any evidence that your-"

"The boy was talking about my birth dad and how he deserved to be dead." Frisk said Nat froze and looked at Nat. Because Nat was part of the avengers, she knew the truth about Frisk's birth family. That the name "Tina Foster" was also a cover up for Frisk's actual last name because of her family. Tears began to pour out of Frisk's eyes as they gripped the chair. "He had no right to say that! There was no proof that my dad was the cause of those kids and my brother and sister's deaths!" Frisk yelled, Nat grabbed Frisk as they kept yelling and sobbing. Nat patted Frisk's head as she shushed Frisk, but not in a rude way. "I know, I know." Nat said as she also patted Frisk's back. This went on for a few minutes until Frisk stopped but was still awake, allowing Nat to let go and look at Frisk, seeing Frisk's eyes again. But unlike before, their eyes were golden, but faded to a dark red at the bottom of their irises. Not that it could easily be seen as Frisk rubbed their eyes away in tears. "Frisk, I get that you're upset with what happened to your family. And were still trying to find your older brother." Nat said, Frisk only sniffled. "But you can't go around punching people, even if they do deserve it."

"I know." Frisk said as they turned their body so that their back was against their chair once again. "But, it's just unfair. I'm also too scared to tell everyone back on the island about my family." Frisk said as Nat leaned forward, her arms resting on her knees as Frisk hugged their knees to their stomach. Nat smirked quietly. "In your defense, you were born into something that wasn't normal." Nat said, Frisk chuckled at the thought as they smirked. Nat sighed as she sat up and looked at the console once again, a look on her face that looked like she was thinking. Nat then stood up, sat in the seat and buckled herself once again. "Jarvis?" Nat asked as the chair rolled forward, the handles coming up slowly. "Yes Ms. Romanoff?" The IA replied as Nat began to push buttons. "Can you tell Toriel and Sans that I'm gonna be a little late?" Nat asked, Frisk looked up in confusion. "Frisk is having a bad day and I think they need some time in a candy store." Nat said, hearing Frisk gasp dramatically caused Nat to chuckle quietly.

"Of course, would you prefer text or a phone call?" Jarvis asked as to make sure Tony had to make him do it ever since they had to explain to Thor and Steve about today's technology. "Call to Toriel would be more preferred, leave a voicemail for Sans. He'll probably be sleeping by now." Nat said and changed their destination to a nearby candy shop. That was one of the usual trips that was made after Nat picked up Frisk from school that was in new york.

Back in present times...

Frisk looked at the plane's window in deep thought as the memory kept playing in their mind. They didn't even notice it, but a red sparkling mist was given off by their hand. It wasn't until someone grabbed their shoulder that Frisk snapped out of it. Frisk gasped and looked behind them as they jumped, their eyes shown again. They sighed in relief to find it was only MJ. "Uh, hey." MJ said as she waved her hand she used to touch Frisk's shoulder in a lazy way, her face not really showing any evidence of surprise. Frisk closed their golden eyes once again and waved.

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