Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:

            I smirk as I see who this figure really is. “Hello,” the figure says, unfazed by the fire.  

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

“Owen.” She says flirtatiously.


“I missed you…” said with a slight smirk.

“I… I missed you… too…?”

Rose is walking up to me, acting like one of those stereotypical girls in high school.  She started to drop to her side, and the only reaction I had was to catch her. Was she possibly drunk or just drastically wrong about…everything.
            “Rose,” I whispered into her head that was currently buried in my chest. She is wearing a purple dress, not the best for fighting in but ok. She has a small black bow, complimenting her fiery red hair. Her eyes, always a beautiful sea green. I look into them, hoping to see the ocean, however, I see the fire reflecting off of her red glowing iris. She’s still a demon.

“What’s wrong?” Rose asked, pouting.

“You’re evil!”

“So are you, silly!”

“Your eyes!”

“Only contacts!” She was leaning up towards me. I push her away. She kisses my cheek, her nails digging into my neck. I see a flash of red when her hands are off of me. At first, I think it is blood, now I realize it is only her deep red nail polish.

I’ve created a monster.

            I try to drop the demon…girl…but she is hanging on to my neck, sending me into fits of coughing. “Love me!” she rasped.

“You’re not Rose.”
“You’re right,” a cheerful voice popped up. I looked around me, no one here but me, Rose, and Grace. And one of us is dead. Before my very eyes, I saw “Rose” morph into a teenager that resembles a parrot to the extent that it is eerie. “You’re right,” it repeated. “I am David.” Parrot boy extended his arms as if to say “Ta da!” but he didn’t, thankfully.

“WTF man why would you pretend to be a hot girl?” I am screaming at the odd child.

“I am in love with you, Satan.” He said, extending his arms.

“Whoa there, buddy. I’m not Satan.” Parrot Boy is approximately my height. I am approximately six feet tall. He must be at least five feet, eleven inches.

            When I say he looks like a parrot, I don’t mean his face or body. The kid is pretty well built, everything in proportion. By no means fat but not nearly as stalky as I. He doesn’t resemble a piece of spaghetti either. He has a fairly good nose, not like Voldemort nor like the one of an elephant. When I say he looks like a parrot, I mean his hair is an array of many different colors. Not like a clown, but nowhere near normal. His hair is mostly blonde but there are streaks of blue, green, orange and red. His outfit consists of a red shirt and blue jeans. I feel oddly violated.

            And it is now that I realize this kid…what did he say his name was? Daniel? David? He was flirting with me.

“’Course you’re Satan!” The person of whom I do not know their name exclaimed.

“What’s your name again?”

“Well not Satan, that’s for sure! I’m David, pleasure to meet you.”

“Yeah well not too much pleasure here,” I mumbled. Damn, this kid is weird.

“Sorry for the rude entrance, perhaps we got off on the wrong foot?”

“Indeed. Now if you don’t mind, I really have to go.”

“I can help you!” David piped up.

“Oh yeah? How? Making me fly with your parrot powers?”

“Nah, I’m a healer.”

“A what?” What the Hell is this dude saying?

“I heal people. I could heal her over there.” He points at Grace, still lying limply on the ground. I just shrug, not believing that anyone can help her. I try to set my standards fairly low.

            He walks over to my grey haired sister. He is kneeling down in front of her, while I stand right where I was a few seconds ago, my expression blank. I realize that I must look like an idiot, so I turn the dumb expression into sass, putting my hands on my hips, sort of glaring at David. Why should I trust him after he faked being…well, you already know.

            Out of his pocket, David took out what looks like a bandage, but from so far away, I can’t really tell. I kick at the rocks at my feet, only vaguely aware of the flames that still engulf the area around me…us. Thinking really hard about the freezing mountain, trying to be as emotionless as possible, I bring the flames down to a dull bonfire. Snow is beginning to fall again however the small bit of fire that still exists is (I hope) keeping Grace and her healer warm.

            Grace’s head is in Parrot Boy’s lap. He seems to be feeding her something, possibly ambrosia? I don’t even know and I really don’t feel like questioning it. I catch him whispering things to her but I can’t quite make out what it is. He smiles down at her and I hope that means something good. I want to know what is going on but to be honest I am slightly afraid to get any closer.

            The fire is almost completely dead. I am trying my very hardest to feel nothing, to be numb. My mind just always seems to trail back to the same thing. For one, Grace, and slightly more importantly, Rose. I can’t get the girl out of my mind. To think, it may have been me. Me, the person who turned the purest soul into one that is damned by God. (Psh who am I kidding, gingers don’t have souls…only joking)

It’s all my fault.

No it’s not.


I flip around, hearing voices. Not at all your fault. The voice came again. I realize now that it is nobody talking aloud at all, but somebody talking inside my head. I know who this somebody is, and it makes me so happy. I want to talk back, I’m afraid the voice is just all in my head: a fragment of my imagination. I want the voice to last forever and never go away. I’m sorry. It is back, the voice is back. Have I finally gone insane? 

Just then, I hear a gasp. Too feminine to be parrot dude. I look over my shoulder, only to see a small person weakly stand up with the support of David. He looks genuinely concerned as well as exceedingly relieved. The child comes running towards me, life returning to her by the second. “Grace!” I call out. She’s alive. She’s actually alive. This isn’t a dream. She’s back.

“Uh Owen, there’s something I need to tell you.” David stutters as he tries to speak. “In order to bring your sister back, I sorta needed to take her out of Hell and took some of your powers to do so. She’s not really always going to be the same.”


“You’ll see, kiddo, you’ll see.”

Don’t worry, Owen.


The voice in my head is getting stronger. I’m not going insane, am I? 

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