Ch. 13

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"THEY WHAT?!!" Miguel yelled

"Shit." Ryan whispered as the stomps got closer. I got up immediately to try and calm him down but it didn't go well.

"Alpha pleas-"


"Alex!" The twins yelled as I fell to the ground from the hard and sudden impact.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Ryan yelled at his father.

"How about you tell me why the hell did You get into a fight?!"

"I got into a fight. And it wouldn't have happened if he would love just calm down and trust Alex."

"I don't give a rats ass about some kid. I give a shit to what people will think when they have to deal with you as pack leader in a few weeks. Beating up some human." He growled.

"He's not human." I squeaked out. The slap was so hard and sudden that it knocked the wind right out of me and brought me to instant tears.


"The guy ain't human. The moment he punched me I knew. He's masking his scent somehow and we don't know what he is."

"It takes a witch or wizard to be able to make a spell or potion to mask someone's scent." Miguel said.

"I don't think he's a wizard. Knowing them they can't go anywhere without their charm and he didn't have any piercings or jewelry on." Andrew commented.

"Then he must know one."

"Remind me What their charm looks like?" I asked, unable to remember the image.

"It differs per witch and wizard. The charm has the color of their birth stone but the shade of the color depends on how strong they are. If they're expediently strong it will be darker and if they're on the weaker side it's lighter."

"So like the dark red stone that girl that's Lex's friend has." Ryan commented

"Oh my god!"

"What Alex?"

"Stacy's birthday is in January."


"January birthstone is a dark red maroon color." I said putting it together before everyone else.

"Wait are you saying-"

"That Stacy's a witch yes that's what I'm saying."

"So she must be masking her scent as well."

"Dad they're a threat. They've been around Alex for years. Who knows how much energy she has taken from him. And only the gods know what he's been up to."

"I see you point but, before anything happens I have to tell the elders first and find out what exactly he is. And that'll take time."

"So your saying that we go back to school knowing that they're a threat?!"

"Yes. You leave them alone. I'll have some of the wolves in combat training watch you three. And you two watch Alex's six. He has no training whatsoever so you stay by him at all times."

"How is that gonna work? We have clases that are totally separated from each other."

"Make it work. Don't leave Alex alone. We can't pull you out because it'll look as if we know or are planning something. And please keep a low profile. Meaning no fights, public announcements, or arguments."

"Now do you understand why we left school though?" Ryan asked his dad.

"I do and Alex I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you. I really do hope you will forgive me."

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