Ch. 14

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(A/N: hello everyone I know I haven't really created you all. And that's my fault, all the chapters so far have been prewritten so I didn't put anything to great you. Anyways I wanted to thank you all for reading and please feel free to comment and like the book. Hope you guys like it.😊)

As soon as we were in the room Andrew threw me on the bed and took his shirt off, and Ryan did the same thing. I immediately started blushing.

"Like what you see, Lex?" Ryan asked as he started getting on the bed.

"Ma- maybe."

"Oh really? Does that mean that you like this view over here?" Andrew asked with a deep voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"May- maybe."

"You wanna see more?" Ryan asked as he started to rub his hands all over my upper body whispering in my ear.


*Door Slammed Open*

"What are two doing to Alex?" I saw Miguel ask as he slammed the door open.

I heard the twins growl at their dad, and it was loud.

"Alex your scent is intoxicating them. You're in heat!"


"You don't feel it because their scent's are making the pain subside." Isabel said as she walked into the room.

Miguel seemed to be struggling but was sable to withstand, I don't know of what though.

"I- is that t- true?" I asked afraid of her answer.

"Yes, we need to get you out of here before they do something any of you would regret."

"Why though."

"Because you aren't mated yet. It can affect the bond. Now let's go." And as soon as she reached out for my hand Ryan growled even louder than before and blocked me from her.

"Ryan it's mom, I need you to focus." She said as she looked into his eyes ashers' glowed a hazel green.

"Alex leave we'll handle them." Miguel said, but as soon as I started to walk away the twins both whined and inside me it made me want to go back to them.

Though this is an arrangement our relationships have improved tenfold. And even though Derek only meet them once, he became very attached to them through me. It pained me physically and mentally to leave them in the room with their parents, but I knew it was for the best. No matter how much my body disagreed with me. As soon as I was out the door and closed it, I heard immediate growling and fighting. It made not only me but Derek panic. Alpha locked it from the inside so I couldn't go back in. I was clawing and pounding on the door with tears running down my face.

Then out of nowhere it stopped, and the door unlocked. Alpha Miguel and Luna Isabel walked out looking exhausted. I ran inside the room to see both of my mates asleep, I made sure because I first thought they were dead and it scared me half to death.

"Wha- What did you do to them?" I asked so softly but full of worry with a bit of anger.

"Just put them in a headlock, it took a little longer because their wolf was taking control." Miguel answered me.

"Okay." I replied even softer then before.

"Alex, I know you don't want to leave their side because of the heat but, I think it would be best if you came with me and spend the next few days away from them. Your heat is just going to get stronger and can eventually cause them to lose control, even any wolf that isn't mated." Isabel told me. I could tell she was worried for me, and I understood what she was saying.

"I can't leave willingly, my body won't let me. I do understand what your saying but, I physically can't get up and leave them. I do want to, I just can't." I told her as I stared at Ry and Andy sleeping.

"Okay then, I'll just pick you up and take you to a safe place." She said as she wrapped her arms around my body and lifted me up and walked out of the room with me whining in her ear.

Isabel took me to room that smelt like pine which reminded me of Ryan and, oak which reminded me of Andrew. Andrew smelt like oak and fresh river water with a hint of citrus. The room calmed me down and soothed me to sleep. When I woke up there was a cold towel on my forehead. I looked around the room and saw all sorts of pillows and soft blankets.

"Your up!"

I looked up to see Isabel, my mom and sister in the room sitting against the wall.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked my mom and sister.

"Well with the ceremony two days away now we need to get you ready and your heat is going to cause you some pain so we're here to help with that as well."

"Why do you say that like I'm not going to leave the room for awhile?" I asked them. All three of them looked sad but in the way that they had something to tell me and knew I wouldn't like it.

"Because until the ceremony you aren't leaving this room." My mom answered.

"Why?" I asked with worry. I don't know if it's me or the heat but I don't like knowing I can't see the twins. I can vaguely remember Isabel telling me to spend a few days away from them but it still hurt.

"Like I said earlier you aren't mated. You can cause other wolves that aren't mated as well as the twins to lose control. Women aren't affected like the men are we take on the doting and taking care of those in heat."

"Oh. How are Ryan and Andrew?" I asked wanting to know that they're alright.

"They're still sleeping but once they wake up we'll let you know." Isabel said answering my question with an understanding face.

"You know Alex for someone who was basically forced into this relationship you seem pretty attached to my sons." She said pointing out how close we seemed to be.

"I- I- it- w-we just-"

"Alex it's okay, I'm glad. When the boys were little they had declared once that they would love no one but me. Given they were about 5 so I didn't think anything of it but, as time went on and they never seemed interested in anyone or anything that had to do with relationships. But I remember when we asked them on what they thought about being your mate and their faces just blew up with joy. Granted Ryan tried to hide it and Andrew had his famous half smile half grin. Then the night we had went over to your house to tell you the news they were so nervous. changing left and right, both of them worrying like crazy and making me worry for them. Then when you first took off both of them wanted to go after you but, Miguel stopped them from doing so."

When Luna Isabel first started talking I really enjoyed knowing that they cared about me so much but, when she started talking about the night it all started I immediately felt guilty. What kind of mate would I be if I make them feel that horrible, that scared. I guess my emotions were written all over my face because Daisy held my hand and rubbed her thumb over the back of my hand. Like Ryan does to me.

"Alex I don't mean it in a bad way. What I mean is that I have never seen anyone affect them the way you do. They care more about you than any one, and from the looks of it so do you?"

"Y-yeah I do. I care about them a lot."


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