Ch. 32

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"Okay Luna, I know you're going to want to try soon but wait until your heat officially kicks in. Better chances."

"Okay, but Uhh whe- when is that?"

"I honestly don't know. You only went through one heat before. And that one was like the ones girls get from ages 12 to 16, they're mainly cramps and stuff."

"Well, is there anything you can give me that will induce a heat?"

"Luna, I know you want to have a pup, but forcing a heat? It's a bit to far for me."

"Can it be done?"

"Theoretically yes, but herbs with that kind of power are usually hidden so I wouldn't know about it. A witch may know of such herb."

"Alright thank you."

"Of course Luna. Oh, by the way, I herd that you were pregnant before?"

"Yeah, I was."

"Well, even though it's been two months, it still may be a little hard to conceive. It depends on how well your womb healed."

"Oh." Alex was saddened by that news.

"I wish I could examine you, to see, but we don't have that kind of equipment."

"I get it." Alex stood up from the table and left the room.

"How'd it go?" Maria aske Alex as exited the exam room.


"Fine? Not great? What happened?"

"I have to wait till I go into heat." Alex answered in a grumpy mood.

"That's not bad."

"Except we don't know my cycle or even if my womb is healed enough to carry a pup."

"Oh. Oh Alex I'm so sorry." Maria felt bad for Alex, a part of her understood, once a wolf matures and has a mate, more often than not a pup is born within the first six months.

"I need to talk to Stacy about an herb."

"What kind of herb?"

"One to induce heat."

"Is there even such a thing?" She asked as they walked towards the witches new home.

"I don't know, that's why I have to talk to her."

——At Stacy's——

"An herb to induce a wolf's heat?"


"There may be one but I think it's a wolfsbane."

"Can you look into it? If there's nothing that's fine. I just want to know."

"I can look, but I might have to go visit my mother. And that whole clan thinks your dead."

"Well if asked you tell them that there is a new Luna and she needs to produce an heir soon. Or at least something along those lines."

"Got it. I'll keep in touch."

"Thank you Stacy."

"No problem Luna."

"Of all people you did not just call me that." Alex asked as he laughed.

"Hey, as a new witch in this pack. I'm not risking getting banned again."

"We're not like that Stace."

"Maybe you, but your in-laws? They don't like me."

"They'll come around Stace, I promise."

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