Ch. 27

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"It's Brandon, he's coming for you."

"What do you mean?" Ryan growled.

"After the talk we all had, Brandon started making a plan to take you, but you having shown at school. I knew why, but Brandon was in denial about the thought of you three mating. So today when you didn't show up that Friday I knew I had to tell him something. If he were to take you after being fully mated, that could really do some damage, but he didn't care. All he wants is you. I had been trying to reason all week with him but he thought that I was taking your side. So he threw me out."

"Why not just stay in your coven he can't touch you." Andrew spoke with anger in his throat.

"Brandon is in control of the entire clan that includes all covens, folks, and packs within the clan. He told my clan to banish me! My mom nearly died fighting him. He had my own sister banish me. I can't see my own family! And I knew that even with me gone he was still going to try and grab you. So, I came here, my abilities are low, not belonging to a place makes it so I am harmless to others. So, I'm asking for asylum, I need a place to belong. I want to help."

"What makes you think we believe you? And what about his dad?" Andrew growled.

"His father mysteriously disappeared, and I've known Brandon way too long to purposely go against him. As wolves you're stronger, but his clan beats you in numbers and abilities. He has five elves, twenty-five witches, over three thousand vamps, two chimeras, and a handful of razorwhips."


"It's a creature that can fly real fast and it's speed allows it to cut through anything. They're so fast you can't even see them." Ryan answered me, me and Andrew looked at him funny.

"What?! What do you think I'm doing when you both are asleep?"

"Games./ Phone." Andrew and I answered at the same time.

"Wow, thanks. It's great to know my own mate and brother think I'm a slacker."

"We still love you. Anyways, Stace, I believe you on the whole Brandon situation but as for the asylum. Even if the council allows it, we don't know the ceremony required for it."

"That's easy, crush up a moon stone and amethyst into a fine powder, then melt amber and mix the powders with it and then you'll have to cut my hands and pour the hot liquid on both cuts."

"That sounds painful."

"It is, but that's the purpose. It shows the witch is putting their power and life for the pack"

"Wait pack? So is there a different ceremony if you were to join a clan or folk?" Andrew asked her, he seemed calmer.

"Yeah, every creature believes and worships a different thing. It wouldn't make sense to use a moon stone in a ceremony in joining a clan of Vamps."

"That makes sense." Ryan muttered.

"So does that mean it's a yes?" She asked looking ready to beg.

"We have to have a council meeting and get the guards and warriors to be on high alert." Ryan answered her so I wouldn't have to.

"You won't be able to see them coming. That's not a threat, it's a warning. You know how every vamp has their own ability?"


"Brandon's is invisibility, he can make not only himself but anyone or anything he wants and there's no limit. He's strong. How do you think he almost killed my mother? A witch or wizard can't use their power on something they can't see. Not to mention no scent."

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