Ch. 25

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Derek POV:

I've been playing Alex for 4 days and it's been exhausting. Alex is still so mad, so I not only have to keep him calm but our body and myself. Not to mention on Friday I had to go to school and learn about stuff that I have no fucking clue on. Like in this class called 'Al-ge-bray-a' I got called to do a problem and I had no idea what to do. So, I drew a pack of wolves. The teacher didn't seem to like it, but the students did, even the other wolves and supernatural creatures. I can draw pretty good, so it came out decent.

'When am I going to have full control again?!"

'When we find out if you're pregnant, well, if we're pregnant.' I told him as I put my stuff back into this backpack thing.


'Because if you are all this anger you've been giving. Luckily I've been keeping you calm but if I let you out while still this angry and you are pregnant, do you know how much stress you would but on the pup? If there's a slight possibility, I'm going to anything to keep it safe.'

'So in other words your with Ryan on the whole pup thing?!'

'What?! Fuck no! Why in the hell would you ask me that? Who do you think I am? I'm just looking out for the pup not anyone else because if you're pregnant I will have to protect them too, even after birth. None of my other wolves I have protected have had the gift of being able to give birth. You're the first. So to be able to pass me down through blood is new to me. And I want it to go well. So, I'm not gonna let your petty fighting get in the way of that.'

'Why me?'

'I don't know. The last wolf I protected was over a hundred years ago. Maybe he could get pregnant but back then things and people were different. They would've tried to kill him if he tried to be with another man.'

'I see. So you want this to go smoothly?'


'Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow then.'


"Derek, we have to get going! What's taking so long?"

"Shut up! I'm going!" I grabbed everything and went downstairs to go to school, ugh!

All day at school I was feeling off, it was weird to describe but something felt off. I couldn't tell what but it was causing me to feel and be off. I couldn't tell if it was a smell, a touch, a taste of something, I couldn't figure it out! And it was bugging me. Once we got home though, a certain smell made me realize it wasn't something that was off and making me feel off. It was me I was the something off. My stomach couldn't take the smell. It was absolutely horrible! The smell of meat!! I immediately ran to the downstairs bathroom and expelled all of my stomach contents and more.


"Le- Derek are you okay?" Ryan asked as he rubbed my back.

"No, ugh I feel sick, who's cooking?"

"My mom, why?"

"Tell her to stop! Ugh *NVS*"

"Why what's going on?"

"To be honest I- I think Alex is pregnant. *NVS* ugh"

"Are you for real?"

"The smell of the meat is making me vomit. Something that will never happen to a wolf unless-"

"They're pregnant."

"Exactly~ *NVS*"

"Right my mom!" And Ryan stood up and ran to the kitchen, Andrew just kept say the word 'sorry' over and over again. I assume it was towards Alex.

"Andrew I'm going to let Alex out for a little bit so talk to him okay?"


Alex POV:


"Alex." He engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Do you- .. Do you really think I'm pregnant?"

"I think it's definitely a possibility. I'm so sorry."

"I didn't want this yet."

"I know, tomorrow morning we'll go to Vic and we will confirm whether or not your pregnant and we'll take it from there."

"Oh goddess, if I'm pregnant I can't go to school."

"That's okay, we will do home studies. But don't think about that right now. Let's go lie down."

"Yeah~ okay."

"Derek is the smell still bothering you?" Ryan asked me thinking I was still Derek. I wasn't necessarily mad at Ry, I just was hurt. It felt like he won our argument and that hurt given that it was still my body.

In that moment I felt like he owned me. I then grabbed Andy and used him as a shield to keep Ryan from seeing me start to cry. It felt stupid and it probably was, thinking that he owned my body. I know he loves me and I him, but it didn't stop me from hurting inside.

"What's- Lex is that you?" His voice softened and sounded caring, I could feel it through our link. He was worried.

"Lex- Lex I'm sorry, okay? I was stupid. I thought about what you said and it's your body, I can't ask you to do anything with your body if you are not comfortable or ready to. Even for the pack, you're right, that there is always another option and I'm sorry. Please just look at me." I could feel pain through our link I could also feel his honesty, I stuck my head out from behind Andrew who was still in shock that his brother said sorry, willingly I might add. I know I'm acting like a baby but I'm my defense some of this might be from hormones.

"I've missed you." He smiled as he saw half my face.

"Me t-too."

"Are you okay now? You know with the smell?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just no more meat please." Both twins then chuckled at the statement knowing that was going to be practically impossible in a house full of werewolves.

"I can't make any promises, but I'll talk to mom."


"Uh can you two talk face to face I don't like being in the middle, it's weird."

"Sorry." I apologized and held Andrew's hand.

"Well, you should rest let's take you upstairs." Andrew said as he guided me out of the restroom that now smelled of vomit.

"The bathroom should be cleaned~" I whined as we went up the stairs.

"I'll have Maria clean it." Ryan commented which of course did so right with me!

"No. I'll clean it." I said as I turned around just to get picked up.

"No, you need to rest. If you don't want our sister to do it me and Ryan will."

"Fine but if it still smells like vomit I will clean it and you both will sleep on the floor."

"Fine, now off to bed." Ryan agreed as they closed our door.

I sighed and wandered into our bedroom and sat on the bed, just thinking. 'Am I really pregnant? What does this mean for the three of us? Does this mean that school is put on hold for now? How big will I get?! Oh god, I'm going to look fat!!!

"~Sigh~, I just want to hide in a whole." I whined as I laid in bed throwing the sheets over my head.


——1220 Words——

A/N: sorry It's late hope you all enjoyed! 😊

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