Ch. 30

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"Alex!" Both Ryan and Andrew engulfed their mate in their arms.

"How long was I out for?"

"Two months."

"What two months?! Why did you wait so long?!"

"We didn't see your letter." Andrew admitted.

"God I missed you both." Alex chuckled causing the twins to release a breath that they had been holding.

"Don't ever do that again!" Andrew cried as he squeezed Alex once again.

"Okay!" Alex spoke strained from lack of air.

"What is going on here?!" Miguel yelled from above.

"Dad Alex never died. He and Stacy came up with a plan to make seem he died, but he was just in a deep spell sleep. I know we should've told you, but you would've killed Stacy before you would've believed us. Alex put our pack first, so, we put him first." Ryan looked up at his father, looking him in the eyes, hoping there wouldn't be severe consequences.

"Get them out of there." Was all that was heard from Miguel.

Soon enough all three boys were pulled out of the grave. Once all three of them were standing, or somewhat standing for Alex.

"How do we know it's the truth?"

"If she tries to kill her leaders she will feel what she tried to inflict on them. If she kills one of us, she will die."

"The moon stone in her blood keeps her from harming us" Andrew added to what his twin had said.



"Is this true?"

"Yes sir."

"You know a part of me doesn't believe that it's you. Answer me a question and if you answer it right I'll believe you."

"Okay!" Alex said ready for the challenge, despite wanting to fall over.

"What was it that I told you when Ryan found you in the woods when you were ten?"

Alex had to really think about it. It was eight years ago and the memory was a little hazy.

"You.. told me...- 'I'm glad you came back, I don't know what I would say to your mother if we couldn't find you. Rest, the moment the twins come in they won't let you out of their sight.' Then you left me to rest in the infirmary."

"Yeah, I did tell you that. I didn't think you would remember, it was so long ago that I barely remember." Miguel chuckled as he smiled at Alex.

"Dad you told him that?" Ryan asked as both he and Andrew blushed.

"Yeah, you two were going crazy when he went missing. I remember you two were so anxious that you would hardly eat. You were just as bad as his mom. It broke my heart to see my best friend in pieces like that."

"Speaking of, how is she? My mom? And my dad, and my sister? Are they okay?" Alex asked with tears in his eyes, now realizing that he too left them for a long time."

"They're fine Alex, I mean we haven't talked to them, but they're okay." Ryan told his mate as he wiped the tears from Alex's eyes.

"Why not?"

"Alex we lost you for two months, we were barely official mates. Ryan and I- we were- .... We couldn't handle the loss of you. We shut everyone out, including our own family. Your family did the same with us. We know they're not mad they just miss you. Do you understand?" Andrew asked as he faced to talk to his mate.

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