Ch. 18

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Andrew lifted my head with a finger and brought his lips to mine. The kiss was hot, and it felt as if he had been waiting for eons to do it. I then felt Ry slowly lifted my dress, kiss abbs, and kissed his way up to my nipple; that he took in his mouth, causing me to moan, letting Andy stick his tongue in my mouth.

"Mmm~ Lex, you taste so good." Ryan moaned in my ear as he palmed me over the tiny shorts  I wore under my dress.

"Alex, can I remove the dress?" Andrew asked me so tenderly after he removed his lips from mine.

I would've answered back, but Ryan decided to nibble on the crook of my neck where he planned to mark me, which caused me to moan soo loud.


"Ryan, let him talk." Andrew growled.

"But he sounds so sexy when he moans" Ryan whined as he removed his lips from my neck.


"Y-yes, you ca-can." I spoke, and as soon as the word yes reached their ears, my clothes disappeared from my body.

"Wait." I squeaked as I tried to cover my scars, and I emphasize tried because Ryan and Andrew, both held my hands away from my body.

"Lex, it's okay. We won't judge you or anything. We love you and your scars." Ryan reassured me as he slowly traced a seven inch jagged scar on my lower chest.

"Alex, if you don't mind us asking, how did you get the scar?"

"I- I..."

"You don't have to, Lex. If it's too much, you don't have to say anything." Ryan said as I sat up, covering myself with a pillow.

"No it's okay. Um, as you both know I turned at the age of 10 and uh Derek, who you've met. Helped me, he protected me. One day when I was walking home from school alone and it was about a month after I first shifted and I was still struggling physically and mentally. I uh- I guess I looked shifty and a few cops walking their beat and decided that it was okay to interrogate a ten-year-old kid in broad daylight on the street with no supervision.

So, me being me, I stayed quiet. The cops got mad started yelling and pushed me into an alley. Where they started hitting and kicking me. That's when I realized that they were wolves. I'm assuming from a rival pack." I wasn't even finished telling them and I already had tears in my eyes.


"Le-let me finish b-before I breakdown..."


"Anyways, they started beating me and in order to protect me Derek took over. I had no control and didn't know what happened until I woke up in the middle of the night next to the three corpses. There was blood everywhere, I had cuts and bruises all over my body. I was so scared and the only thing that I could think of is to call my dad. So that's what I did, and as soon as he got there I broke down. I don't really remember what he said or did, but by the time I knew it I woke up at home with my parents watching over me.

When I woke up my parents asked me what happened, but I couldn't remember. Then they told me that I killed three cops who happened to be wolves. I was mortified, and I closed myself off. And in that solitary confinement memories of that night kept popping in my head. Everything that happened while Derek was in control, all the screams, the cries, the blood. Once the memories were in my head, I couldn't sleep. Nightmares, night-terrors, insomnia, I went weeks going on two to three hours of sleep. Not to mention I stopped eating as much." I couldn't even hold in my tears, just the thought of what happened made me cry.

"That's why you stopped coming around isn't it?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah, a part of me was afraid that if I could do that, that I would do it again. I feared it happening and hurting the people I cared about."

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