Ch. 2

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Where did we leave off? Oh right, I ran from home in my wolf form.

When I ran I could hear my parents yelling and and the panic in their voices but, I was too angry to care. I ran straight into the woods, masking my scent in a nearby creek. I just ran until my lungs felt like they would colapse. When I looked up I saw that it was already night. So I looked for a little area to rest and sleep. I stayed out there for about five days in my wolf form. My parents and leaders set a search party for me when I didn't return home the next day. So I had been running from them but, they caught me in one of their traps. When the party brought me back I was still in wolf form. So a lot of the pack was shocked to see my pure white fur. They took me to our pack leader's house. Where my family was. From what I remember of that is that I wouldn't stop growling. So Miguel did something that he doesn't do often and when he does It's because it's serious, he growled. His growl isn't like ours, his was loud. His growl is like a call to the entire pack, if anyone is a treat especially in wolf form he can turn them back just by growling. I blacked out after that.


When I woke up I was tied to a bed. Yes, a fucking bed. The door to the room opened and revealed my sister with red puffy eyes. She untied me from the cuffs and hugged me.

"You were gone for 6 days, asleep for 5." She sniffed.

"Where am I?" I asked her.

"In the pack leaders house. You've been here since they brought you back." She answered, backing away from our hug.

"Have they said anything?"

"Just that you're still going to be mated to the twins. I don't know everything but, they did say that there is a reason that the pack leader's and mom and dad decided to give you to the twins."

"What time is it?"

"About 5:30 in the afternoon." She answers.


"Friday. Come on, they're all waiting for us."


"Would you rather have this conversation in here?"

"Ugh." I moaned as I got out of the bed.

Though Daisy is younger than me, she can at times seem like she's the older one. She walked in front of me all the way to the others. I'm sure I stunk, given that I was out there for almost a week and asleep for 5 days. I'm so sure because I can smell myself and I just wish they'd let me shower first.

"You're finally up." Someone said. I looked to my right and there was Ryan. Leaning against the wall with a stern look on his face. He had dark brown hair that almost looked black, he had green eyes. He even had two beauty marks one above his right eyebrow and another on the same side but lower, under his eye on his cheekbone.

"Really? I though I was a ghost." I retorted.

He scoffed and walked towards the others. When I entered the room everyone went silent and looked at me.

"What?" I asked with a bit to much anger.

"Alexander." My mom stated, like if I was in huge trouble.

"It's alright Ale." (Ah-leh: Ale. That's how your pronounce it, not like the beverage)

"I'm sorry Miguel but it's not. He's my son and has reeked havoc on our families, and pack." My mom stated.

"Yes but can you blame him? We sprung this on him, so of course he would act out." He responded to my mom. My mom sighed and started to talk again.

"I guess your right but, it doesn't mean that what he did was acceptable."

"I'm right here." I said sternly.

"Shut it." My dad huffed, full of anger.

"Alex.." Miguel began. "Do you know why your fur is white?"


"Well there is this story that every hundred years a male werewolf is born with pure white fur. It is said that this male has gift of producing offspring. You see, when packs were small and had more males than females the pack rulers and healers would pray to the moon gods and ask for a way to produce more offspring. Luckily the moon god answered our prayers and gave us a male wolf the color of snow. What I'm saying is, that you have the gift to produce offspring, and not by you inseminating."

"Are you saying I can give birth to a child?"


"Are you even sure that I can? I mean the story was probably a really long time ago. How do we know if it's true or real?"

"When you were asleep we asked one of the healers to examine you for a womb. Alex you have a womb."

What. The. Fuck.

"You're kidding right?"

"Alex he's not kidding." My dad chimed in.

"Okay, say that I can conceive a child. What makes you think that I want to? Much less want to with Ryan and Andrew? And why the hell would you give me two mates? No one has ever gotten two before!"

"It wasn't our plan to have both of them be your mates but, when we talked to the boys 5 years ago they both wanted to be your mate."

"5 years! You all came up and knew about this for five fucking years?!" I yelled.

"Watch your tone Alex." My mother warned.

"No. Who do you think you are?! I told you both years ago that I didn't want a mate! And you went out looking for one anyways?! Without so much of a conversation with me about it! Maybe if you would have talked to me about it, I wouldn't have mind and tried to have gotten closer to them! Did you know when I started high school Ryan, bullied me?!"

"Ryan is that true?" Miguel asked him.

"Why the fuck does it matter? He's my mate I can treat him however I want."

"Because he can still reject you, you idiot!"

"Shit, really?"

"Yes, if you go to mark him and he rejects you, you can become feral."

"Everyday Ryan, everyday for a year and a half you would tease, pick on, sometimes even take make stuff and destroy it. Five years you've known that you wanted to be my mate? What makes you think after that, that I want you to be mine." When I said that I saw that those words hurt him. I saw the pain in his eyes, but it was only for a second before he put up one of his walls.

"Ryan, what do you have to say for yourself?" His mom asked him.

"I regret nothing." He stated and walked out of the room.

"Ryan!" His dad yelled at him.

"I'll go talk to him." Maria said as she got up from her seat.

"Let Alex go talk to him."


"Go talk to him. Until he marks you and or if he becomes feral, he is still your mate-to-be and so is Andrew. Do not forget Alex I am pack leader, I may forgive the attitude you have been giving but, if you do not try with this relationship I will have no choice but to ban you."


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