Ch. 20

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As soon as we got home, Miguel bombarded us with questions, which I was half expecting, but what he said after all the questions surprised us.

"Are you guys okay?" All of us went silent, including Isabel and Maria, were quiet.

"Y-yeah, dad, we're fine; Lex stopped the fight before it even started." Ryan gloated as he kissed my temple.

"Well, that's good; I'm glad. So, tell me what happened."

"Well, we were eating lunch, or at least trying to, and Brandon came out of nowhere..."

"Yeah, he called me and said he wanted to talk alone, and the boys said no, so I compromised and told him he could say whatever to all three of us. Then he told me to go with him to his clan and then continued to say that he.. uh... that he-"

"That he's in love with Lex and wants him to go to his clan and mate with him."

"He didn't say that exactly, but he told me that." I don't know why but I was embarrassed to say that Brandon had confessed his love to me. Not in the way where I'm flattered, more in the way that I can't even believe that he said that.

Don't get me wrong; I don't hate Brandon or anything; I just don't see him that way, and I never have. Brandon is just a friend to me, nothing more. For most of my life, I was secretly in love with my old childhood friends. I never told anyone and never thought that it could go anywhere. I even planned to leave the pack once of age and claim to look for a mate outside of the pack and disappear.

Though that was my plan three months ago, I don't think I could see myself away from the twins now. They're my ride or dies, and my not being their mate is honestly a bit ridiculous. Now that I think about it, what am I so afraid of? I love them, for goddess sake, and I want to be theirs' 100% mind, body, and soul.

"Alright, why is he coming over here with the witch?"

"Well, he wants to talk, but I think we all know he wants to fight for Alex." Andrew's right; Brandon doesn't want to talk. If he wanted to talk, he would've been calm and civilized.

"Well, you guys will obviously win." Maria commented.

"I don't know; he's got that witch on his side, and the entire time she's known Alexander, she's masked hers and the vamp's scent to keep Alexander from knowing who and what they are. And who knows how much energy and power she has taken from him if she has."


"Alexander, how do you feel about this? You aren't officially mated, and if you really didn't want the whole ordeal he-"

"Dad!" The twins yelled

"Boys, you may be official Alphas, but I am filling in until you two graduate, so I have the final say. This is his decision whether you like it or not."

"He's our mate. I will not let him go without a fight!" Ry, announced getting agitated.

"We will do anything to keep him as ours." Andrew growled,

"And what if he doesn't want you to? If you both see him as your mate, then you will respect what he chooses, and if he chooses the vampire over you two-"

"I don't care! He's ours! I will not let him go that easily." Ryan growled, getting real angry this time around.

"CAN YOU ALL STOP!!" I yelled at them; I mean, can you blame me? They were talking about me as if I wasn't here! Luckily they all shut up because we then all smelt it.

The stench of an unfamiliar in our territory and not just one but two.

"They're here." Was all Isabel said as we all stood up and felt the need to defend our land.

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