Ch. 28

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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Ryan and Andrew screamed as they saw their mate go limp.

Both young men feel to their knees once they reached Alex's body. Brandon stood there changing back to his human form, looking shocked. Shocked that his best friend would take his own life.

"Lex! Baby! Alex! Alexander!! Please! No~!" Ryan cried as he hugged his mates body, tears running down his face, soaking the clothes on the body.

Andrew too in shock to even comprehend what just happened. Stacy was gone, Brandon and his people leaving.

"Andrew! Andrew! Andrew!... Brother! ANDREW!" The twin still wouldn't move, too afraid to admit what had happened.

What did happen? Alex drank some mystery fluid and almost immediately went limp, dead. No heartbeat, no breathing, no nothing. Alex was gone. The twins tried to understand it, or even try and get Stacy to tell them what he took, but when she refused, she was thrown into the prison. The twins couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, they wouldn't talk to anyone. When people would try there would be screaming and yelling. Andrew started having nightmares, Ryan would cry into Alex's clothes. They stopped doing their duty in being Alpha's, their father had to start taking over again. Alex's family stopped talking to the Alpha family, not because they blamed them, but because they blamed themselves. If they hadn't said anything to their leaders Alex would more than likely still be here. Andrew and Ryan both could never fully believe that Alex was indeed gone though. A part of them couldn't feel or believe it, they felt the opposite. Which, is why it's been so hard on them. But if they were to tell anyone what they felt, they would call them crazy. Though today they knew they had to leave the comfort of their room. Given the fact that tomorrow at nine am sharp, Stacy was to be killed, for slaying the Luna, and betraying the pack. The boys wanted answers, answers that they were only going to get from the witch.

"Can you tell me why we decided to do this the night before?" Andrew asked his twin.

"Andrew, you're the one who made this plan."


Both of them made their way, in the dark, to the pack prison. Once they were there the guard let them in, feeling sad and sorry for them both. The twins looked awful, puffy eyes, dark circles around their eyes, messy hair, you could also tell that they hadn't showered in the two months since Alex's 'Death'. They made their way to the back of the prison, where Stacy was held.

"Finally! I have been waiting!" The witch exclaimed as the twins approached her.

"Waiting for what?"

"For you two! I expected a month, but two! For a while I thought you two weren't coming! Now, where's the body?"

"Excuse me?! Do you really want to destroy us more by messing with Alex's body?!" Ryan growled.

"Oh my god did you forget what Alex told you?! I have to get his body before the next full moon."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Did you guys even read the letter?"

"What letter?" Both boys asked at the same time.

"Alex wrote a letter to you two, telling you what exactly happened and why he did it, and what's supposed to happen! Did you not see it!"

In fact they didn't, Alex left the letter on the bed, but when the twins had got to their room, they destroyed it. In all the chaos they didn't see the white envelope.

"What are you saying? We came to find answers! Why'd he kill himself?!" Ryan growled, since Andrew stopped talking to anyone that wasn't Ryan.

"What are you talking about? Alex isn't dead."

"I saw him!"

"You saw his still body, Alex isn't dead! Did you really think I would actually give my Luna poison?"

"Well, when he drank whatever you gave him, his body went limp!"

"I can't kill my leader! The moon stone inside me prevents me from doing so! Don't you get it! Your mate is very much alive! And if I don't reverse the spell within the next twenty-four hours, he will die!"

"Why didn't you tell us?!"

"I was told to wait two weeks, Alex said that you would come to me! And whenever I asked for your presence I would be ignored!"

"Wait how is Alex not dead." Andrew spoke raspy, trying not to let the tears fall down.

"His body is stiff and pale like a dead body, but everything else is working. He's in what you would call paralysis. All his organs are functioning so slowly that no one not even power wolves can hear hear it. But the spell can only work for so long, if I don't reverse the spell he will die."

"How do we know you're telling the truth?"

"Like I said I can't kill my leaders, if I do, I die. If I try I will inherit the pain I had tried to cause onto them."

"So what do you want us to do?"

"Take me to his body. Luckily he can't feel or see a thing. So he won't know if he was buried. You did bury him right?"

"Yes, in a casket with our pack crest on it."

"Okay, take me to him."

"Ryan, if we take off with her, we'll be traitors."

"Alex is alive!"

"I know! I hear you, but what good would we be if they kill us before she brings him back!"

"Then what do we do? Go to the council? They'll never think we're sane! They'll never believe us. We have to do this!"

"Ry, I know how you feel, I'm hurting too, but we have to be smart about this!"

"Andrew we only have twenty-four hours to get him back!"

"Fine! How long is the counter spell?" Andrew asked the witch in the cell.

"The spell itself doesn't take long. It's the ingredients that can take forever to find." Stacy answered him, being honest.

"Well, what do we need?" Ryan asked, ready to go hunt the ingredients.

"One whole dried yellow wolfsbane, two-"


"Yellow wolfsbane, used correctly, has healing properties."

"Wait. Healing properties?" Andrew asked looking at his brother remembering something.

"Our blood has healing properties." They both said at the same time.

"Okay, but I still need the wolfsbane, two bundles of lavender, one lemon grass blade, and willow bark."

"I can tell you right now, we will not find dried yellow wolfsbane in time."

"You said your blood has healing properties?"

"Yeah, same with Alex."

"Okay, I'll take a cup from each of you."

"Fine." Both Alpha's growled.

"One other thing I must tell you."


"Alex is no longer pregnant."



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