Chapter 27

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When I wake up, I am in someone's arms...

They are holding me from behind, their chest on my back breathing calmly.

I look down at their hands and I see the gold ring on their middle finger I know it's Luke-

Slowly, I reach for it. Remembering I have the needle in my damn hand- I stop myself immediately. He may have helped me ease out of my nightmare but fuck him.

I'm so mad at them and I want nothing to do with them...

I move his arm off of me and quickly pull myself further away from him. Wrapping my arms around myself. Glaring at the sun shining through the New York buildings.

When I glance down at my hand, I have this urge to pull the needle out of my hand. But I don't know what they would say or do if I did...

"Are they awake?" I hear a voice ask and then hear someone stepping into my room.

"Nic?" Seb whispers, walking over to me. "Still not talking?" When I don't acknowledge him he sighs and nods his head. He leaves and I don't know how much time passes but the sun that was behind the buildings is now shining in my eyes. Luke woke up a while ago, and he was very disappointed that I wouldn't let him touch me.

But fuck him and his feelings...

"Hello, beautiful. Would you like some tea?" Kenji comes into my view. "You know, you probably shouldn't stare into the sun. You'll go blind and we wouldn't want to add that to your medical paperwork." He chuckles, causing a smile to snap onto my lips. But before he can see it, I turn over so he can't look at me.

Kenji sits down next to me, and I move away from him so he can't have the chance to touch me.

"Don't worry. I won't touch you without your permission. I'm sorry for kissing your hand last night. It's instinct at this point. My dad used to do it to all the women he dated. Fucking dick-" I look back at him, confused as to why a psychologist is speaking like this. "Sorry." He holds up his hand, taking a sip of his tea.

"My dad is the reason I went into the medical field. But imagine his face when I got my degree in Psychology." Kenji snorts, almost spilling his tea on his lap. "I wish I had it framed, it would have plastered all over my apartment." I smile and this time he catches it.

"There's a smile." Kenji grins, then frowns. "You really don't feel like talking do you?" I look away from him and he nods his head. "Okay, I'll let the guys know to stop trying to get you to speak. Can you at least answer two questions for me?" I look over at him, and his eyebrows raise.

"Are you going to harm yourself in any way?" I shake my head "Good. So what did you mean when you said you remembered Luke?" I hesitate, really wanting to tell him but I shrug my shoulders...

Their Lavender Memory: A Doctor Reverse Harem RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now