Chapter 6

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I wake up, hearing two different voices talking about me. My eyes are heavy, and my head is killing me...

"She has been sleeping since yesterday when we brought her back to the house. She should be waking up soon. If not we have to take her to the hospital."

I whimper at the pain coming from my head, causing them to stop talking. I hear a faint beeping noise fading to the left of me.

"Nic?" The voice gets closer to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Are you awake?" he asks, causing me to open my eyes slightly, scrunching my eyebrows from how bright it is.

"Good morning." I squinted, seeing Sebastián standing next to me, moving hair away from my face. I slowly lift my head to see where I am. But he stops me. "Take it slow, okay?"

I nod my head and lay my head back down on the pillow. What the hell...

"You- do you remember anything?" Luke...

My eyes pop open and I try sitting up. Scared to even be near him-

"No, no, no." Sebastián puts pressure on my shoulders, holding me in place. "It's alright. You're okay. He isn't going to hurt you." Sebastián whispers that last part.

"Darling, I may be an asshole. But I'm not a murderer. You're safe." Luke looks at me, trying to convince me. But I don't calm down until he gets off the bed and takes a few steps back... "Is this better?" Luke asks, and from the sound of the beeping coming from the machine next to me, he takes it as a yes. Sebastián moves his hands from my shoulders,

I look over at the machine, confused at why I am attached to it and where they go it from- wait... they are surgeons.

"We keep medical supplies here for... emergencies." Sebastiàn gives me a small grin... it helps during times like these.

"Now, do you remember anything?" Luke asks, stepping closer to me. I try not to flinch, causing him to clench his jaw. "This is ridiculous..." Luke walks out of the room, and Sebastián follows him.

"How am I supposed to do my job if she won't even let me near her? This is my speciality... I'm the Chief of Neurosurgery."

"Luke-" Sebastián speaks, then I hear the door shut... a few minutes later it opens and I still hear them speaking. The door shuts and I see a familiar face.

"Ma chérie." He smiles, and for the life of me, I can't remember his name...

"I- I'm sorry- I don't-"

"My name is Samuil, but you can call me Sam or even Sammy if you like that better." Sam smiles, and the memories flow back...

"You're French, right?" I ask, sitting up more in the bed.

Their Lavender Memory: A Doctor Reverse Harem RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now