Chapter 2

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"Let's get started." This man says, causing me to fidget in my chair. This man screams power and demands it, too. He is an attractive man, tall and built.

When I was on his lap earlier, I felt his hesitation to touch me. Strange reaction for a man coming to this establishment. 80% of the men I deal with want nothing more than for me to touch them... 10% of them don't know what's going on anymore - too drunk to know the time of day - and the other 10% want to disobey the rules and try to touch me in some way.

With this man, I don't know his true motive, and it makes me nervous...

"Go ahead. Ask your questions." I pick at my nails, a nervous habit of mine when my anxiety starts to creep in. Talking is not a strong suit of mine. I hate talking... I'm here to dance... not talk.

"Do you have any questions to ask me?" The man asks, and I hesitate. I shift in my chair, not able to get comfortable.

"What's your name?" I quickly ask, but instantly regret it. I- I don't want him to snap and try to harm me.

It happened before, it will happen again...

"Doctor Young." He says, unbuttoning the sleeves of his shirt and starting to roll them up. While keeping eye contact with me the whole time. He is getting comfortable while I start ripping the skin off around my nails.

"Doctor Young," I whisper, feeling how his name comes out of my mouth.

"What's your first name?" Doctor Young asks me, and I look down at my hands.

"Nicolette," I answer, even though I hate being called it. Doesn't every woman hate their name at least once in their lifetime?

"That's a beautiful name." Doctor Young asks, making me look into his eyes. I have had countless men tell me the same exact line... but for some reason, when he said it, I felt a sudden surge of calm flow through me.

His calm demeanor is making me breathe easier...

"I was named after my grandmother." I don't know why I'm describing this to him... but I do.

"Tell me." Doctor Young urges me.

"Nicolette Josephine." I lean back against the chair. Trying to get comfortable and drained after constantly being in fight or flight mode. But deep down, I know I have to stay alert and not get overly comfortable.

"Tell me more." Doctor Young tells me, "Like, why you were under anesthesia." He sits down in a chair next to me and faces me.

"Let me show you." I moved my robe slightly and showed him the giant scar down my chest.

"You had heart surgery?" Doctor Young asks, and I nod my head. "What happened?"

"When I was born, I had a congenital heart defect. They had to fix it." I shake my head, recalling the memory. "It was very traumatic for me." I honestly say, watching as he stands up from his chair. I jump at the action, watching his every move. Doctor Young pours us a drink and walks back over to me. I grab the drink from his outstretched hand and thank him silently.

Their Lavender Memory: A Doctor Reverse Harem RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now