Chapter 3

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When I wake up, I am frightened of my unknown surroundings. I jolt into a seated position, looking around the room. But then I remember I got a hotel last night... That I'm safe.

"I'm safe," I whisper, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm my racing heart.

I fall back against the bed and close my eyes. The tension leaves my body and the thumping of my heart goes back to normal. I yawn and turn my head to the side to look at the clock. My checkout is at 11 in the morning and it's only nine. That gives me time to order breakfast...


I look down at my phone and it's Casey, my best friend since high school. I haven't talked to her in a little over a week. She was worried about the colder months and had already given me money to help keep me afloat... (aka. not sleeping on the streets) Why is she messaging me?

I open the cracked phone, that threatens to cut me every time I use it and slowly read her message...

"I found you a roommate. His name is Sebastián and he is one of my co-workers."

"No." I send back the one-worded message, remembering the last time she tried to get me a roommate. He was some intern at her work that raised baby chickens... Which would have been fine if we lived in Alabama, but we live in New York...

"Nicki! Just go meet him! He is the sweetest guy! I promise he is nothing like the intern."

I don't answer...


"CeCe!" I text her back with the same attitude.

"Just promise me you will at least meet him. Okay? Here is his address and his phone number. He is expecting you today at 11:30-12. Please go. Oh, and be nice." She adds, causing me to grumble and then gasp.

"I AM NICE!" I text her back but all she sends me is a laughing face emoji.

I ordered my breakfast and get ready to meet another one of her co-workers. As long as he doesn't raise chickens in New York, I think I'll be okay...

The taxi drops me off as close to the address Casey gave me.

I look around all the tall buildings confused about where exactly I am. I can't be too far from the club because on the meter it read 10 minutes from the hotel to this location. I look at the text, reading the address again. I look up at the tall building, wondering how anyone can live in such a tall building.

"Woah," I whisper, almost breaking my neck as I try to look all the way up to the top of the building. When I step inside, I am greeted by a beautiful lobby and people staring at me... I don't belong here at all... Everyone is staring at me like they did Julia Roberts from "Pretty Woman."

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