Chapter 8

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It's been a week since I've been with the guys... Sammy and I are best friends. Seb is like the boyfriend I never had and Luke... Luke is like the father who came back from Paris and thought he had the right to parent me.

Even though I'm 28 and very capable of doing my own shit.

"Nicki!" Sam's new nickname for me, is "Nicki!" He yells again, causing me to get out of bed and head into the living area. "Nicccckiiiiiii" I walk up to him and he's on the sofa with a blanket and popcorn.

"Sammmyyyy" I yell back and he smiles at me.

"Let's watch a movie." Sammy demands and I smile, sitting next to him. He places the blanket over my legs and I cuddle close to him.

"Oh, so you guys are continuing with the nicknames?" Seb asks, walking from the kitchen over to the sofa. He sits next to me and I move the blanket over his legs. Seb puts his hand on my thigh as the rest of my body is wrapped into Sam's.

"Yes, yes we are." Sam chuckles, holding me tighter. "You jealous, 'Bastiàn.?"

Seb sighs, and when I look over at him he is pouting slightly.

"It's okay, Sebby." I pat his hand and he grimaces. "No, Sebby?" I ask, chuckling and he shakes his head.

"You tried." Sam kisses me on the top of my head... which is something I haven't gotten used to yet. I think it's because he is French and just overly affectionate about everything... mostly me.

"Where's Luke?" I ask, and they shake their heads.

"He never joins movie night." Sam shrugs and turns on the movie. I frown, thinking about how isolated Luke keeps himself... ever since my "escape attempt" as the guys call it. He has been working extra shifts and when he is off, he ignores me as much as he possibly can.

The movie starts and I see Luke walking down the stairs. He stares at us for a few seconds, but when he catches my eyes he looks away. Before he can walk to the kitchen, I shock myself by...

"Luke," I speak, causing him to stop in his tracks. "Uh- we are gonna watch a movie. Do you want to join?" I ask, and at the corner of my eye, I can see Seb shaking his head.

"No." Luke continues his walk into the kitchen and I frown. He leaves the kitchen with a bag of veggie sticks and takes one step on the stairs before I try again.

"Please," I say, and I see his shoulders fall down... I look at the screen and the movie has already started.

Luke hesitates, and we all watch him as he continues his ascent up the stairs...

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