Chapter 14

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When we get home, I immediately go into my room and close the door. There isn't any lock on the doors, so I can't lock them. I hesitated to put the chair under the doorknob, but I'm exhausted and wanted to be left alone. 

I flop down on my white silk sheets, pulling my pillows closer to me. I scream into them, then take a few deep breaths.

"Baby-" Seb knocks on my door.

"I'm fine!" I yell, then remind myself that he is just worried about me. I pick my head up, "I- I just needed to scream my frustrations out. I'm okay now." I answer, then face-plant the pillows

"Okay. Thank you for telling me." I hear Seb walk away from the door and I decide to remove my face from the pillows and lay on my side. Mostly because after a few minutes I feel like I'm suffocating myself. 

Luke had to finish up something at work, so Seb and Sam brought me home. Sam went straight to the kitchen to tell the chefs what we wanted from lunch. Seb is just hovering... waiting for me to break.

Which won't happen-

I've accepted the prognosis... I'll probably be put in an elderly home in the dementia hall to be forgotten about until I die.

I won't even remember myself, or where I am so why does it matter?

I've accepted it. I'm moving on...

"Baby, are you awake?" I hear knocking on my door and I don't answer.

"Let her get some rest. A lot has happened since she woke up." Sam speaks, and I nod my head in agreement. Even though they can't see me.

I have been asleep long enough, that's all I've been doing is sleeping.
Sleeping, eating, movies and more sleeping...

I get out of bed, walk over to the door, ready to open or and demand that I go back to work.

But then I remember that's not possible...

I move my hand away from the doorknob, but I could be doing something! Like cleaning or cooking... I touch the doorknob, then remember they have people they hire to do all of that.

I sigh, knitting my eyebrows together completely frustrated at the fact that I'm just in their home not doing anything to contribute... I overheard Seb talking about how this penthouse cost him a quarter of a million dollars. Which is fucking insane.

I always forget I'm living with billionaire surgeons...

When I let go of the doorknob again, I walk back over to the bed and flopped back onto my stomach. I scream in my pillows again, but as quietly as possible, not wanting the guys to hear it.

I wait a few minutes to see if they heard me, and when there is no knocking, I get out of bed and walk over to the window. We are so high up in the sky, that it feels like we are above the world. I'm still not used to all of this sort of comfort.

There is a knock on the door, and when I don't answer, Sam peeks inside looking at the bed. When he doesn't see me, he opens the door wider and looks around frantically. Then he sees me standing by the windows, calming instantly.

He puts on a poker face, but I can tell by his tense shoulders that he was scared I ran away again.

"I thought you would be sleeping, ma chérie." Sam walks into the room, leaving the door cracked.

"Yeah, 'cause that's apparently all I do these days." It comes out quite harsh, but right now I'm frustrated at the fact that all I'm doing is sleeping...

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