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Everyone was sat around on one of the beds in Puffers hotel room, a camera set up in front of them. The door opened and you walked in, Balaclava in hand. "Is this so you don't have to show your face?" Grizzy asked as you sat down on the bed near the pillows, Droid following soon after you. you nodded, slipping it on, your eyes and eyebrows now the only thing visible to the camera. Opening your phone, you flicked the camera on and leaned on Droid, him leaning back with a grin. Opening twitter, you posted the picture with a simple caption.




Oh yeah, I'm in Canada. Got questions? I've got answers! 


Comments rolled in quickly, you keeping twitter open as the camera started rolling, questions asked, answers given and laughs shared.

"Oh here's one for (Y/n), 'Why are you sitting so close to Droid?' With a screenshot of the tweet you put out." Grizzy asked, everyone looking back at you as you were leaned slightly on him. Shrugging, you came up with a quick response. "He's warm, I'm cold. Simple as that." You responded, a smile visible on your eyes. "Yeeaahh, right." He said, turning back around to continue as the next question was asked by Puffer. "For everyone, 'What's one thing you would go back and change in the past?' Oh, that's a deep one." Everyone gave simple answers, like a decision they made or something they had said. When it got to you, you thought, and answered. "I guess just being more confident. Probably would've gotten me out of some situations sooner," You said chuckling.

The recording ended about 30 minutes later, it was relatively late. "Alright, out, I'm tired. Leave," Puffer said, ushering everyone out of his hotel room and back to the one across the hall. Making it back to the bedroom, you grabbed some plaid Pajama pants and changed into them, laying down after. You were exhausted for some reason, and boy did it feel good to finally lay down. You heard the door opening, revealing Droid standing there.

"Can you shut the door please? The lights hitting my eyes."

"Are you tired? It's only like, 9 pm."

"Yes, I am, can I sleep now?"



Stopping him as he was about to leave, a heat rose to your face.

"Can uh... can we cuddle? if its alright with you."

You heard him chuckle before you were tackled, an extra weight hitting you with an 'umph' as he wrapped his arms around you, shifting so you were facing him as he held you.


"No problem, now go to sleep Mr. 'I'm tired'."

"Shut up, ya dork."



ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 (Transmasc! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now