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Two weeks had passed since the Warzone stream, and he was slowly being acquainted with the others. DM's had been exchanged, and now he was waiting in discord. He wasn't going to be streaming that day, but he would be recording. After being told the people that would be there, his nerves started to get to him. 7 people not including him. He was used to 3, maybe 4 people in the same lobby with him. Not 7 fucking people. Not to mention they all had a bigger following than him. 

He was sitting patiently in a channel, waiting to be dragged in when discord pinged. "Hello my friend, you ready to Mario Kart?" Matt said as he entered the discord channel. "No uh, not really," (Y/n) chuckled out nervously. "You sound nervous, what's up?" 

"It's just uh, there's more people than I expected there to be and they have way bigger fanbases than me, and I feel really out of place and god I'm rambling-"

"Hey dude, chill its alright," He said cutting (Y/n) off. "You'll know most of the people, there's like, 3 people you don't know. You'll be alright!" He said in attempt to comfort him. "Hang on a sec let me drag somebody in here," he said. He head a few clicks, and then heard a ping though his discord. 

The person he had dragged in sounded like we has mid sentence, but stopped once his discord pinged. "-ass is better, you kn- what the fuck? Matt why did you drag me here I was in a very heated argument there," The new voice said.

"Which was?"

"What's better, ass or thighs? Ass, clearly but yea-"

A loud wheeze was heard though the call, (Y/n) attempting to compose himself. "God, how did you say that so casually, HAH!" he laughed. Matt spoke up, introducing him. "Droid, This is (Y/n), the guy I mentioned was joining us tonight?" As (Y/n)'s laughing calmed down, Droid spoke up.

"Nice to meet you man! Hey, what do you think is better? Ass or thighs?"

"Oh, thighs, all the way. Best pillow in the world."

Droid chuckled, "Man, I think you've changed my opinion! I think we're gonna get along great," He said, the two starting up conversation. Matt smiled slightly and leaned back, exiting the call, somehow without either of them noticing. 

"So, (Y/n), you ever played Mario Kart?" Droid asked. "I have, but its been a bit. Might be rusty," he chuckled. "I'll help you man, not to brag but uh, I'm kinda the best at Mario Kart," he said, being able to hear the smile in his voice. (Y/n) chuckled.

"We'll see."


Throughout the game, Droid would occasionally help (Y/n), Targeting shells best he could at other people, and also helping his nerves by keeping him involved in jokes. After everyone wrapped up streams, Droid got a ping on discord.

'Thanks for the assist today, if we ever play Mario party ill help you :>'



ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 (Transmasc! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now