477 19 47

gonna change up the pov for this

also some talk of 8008's





Gonna be taking a short break for about 3 weeks, I have a surgery coming up and I wont be able to lift my arms very much. Thank you all for the support over the last few months, and I'll get back to making content once doc gives me the all clear. Stay safe out there guys! <3

💬32       🔁12       ❤️238

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Replying to User1: I am completely ok, its nothing major. 

User2: Is this the surgery I think it is? you go king!

User3: Hope everything is well!

BlargMySchnoople: U good (Y/n)?

Replying to BlargMySchnoople: I'll tell you later

ElasticDroid: hope everything is alright, shoot me a message if you need anything.

Replying to ElasticDroid: Will Do o7

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"So, Surgery, huh?"

You were sat in your still broken office chair in a call with Droid and Matt, explaining everything. "For the past few months I've been saving up for this. Top surgery is hella expensive even with insurance-"

"Wait, top surgery?" Droid asked confused.

"Yeah, I'm finally getting my tits cut off. I don't have any use for them."

"Wait you have tits?"

Chuckling, you responded. "Yes, and I don't really like them-"

"I thought you were a guy?"

"I am? I'm trans man."




"Oh." you laughed. "I kinda forgot about that, heh,"

"I'm kinda confused, what does trans mean?" Droid asked. "I think I've heard the term before but..." He trailed off. "Tt's alright man. Basically it means I was born the opposite way that I feel, so I was born a girl, but I've never felt like one. I feel like a guy, so I am a guy, to put it simply."

"So, like a transformer buy you only go from car to robot and stay a robot?"

You let out a loud wheeze and hit your hand on your desk a few times. "That is LITTERALY the best analogy I've ever heard. Yes, exactly like that."

"Dude, that's cool as fuck."

"Well, I gotta go, time to get my tiddies removed. Seeya guys!"

"Seeya, (Y/n)! Remember, Shoot me a text if you need anything!"


"I cant believe you didn't tell your father and I sooner!" Your mother fussed over you on the car ride there. How you got her to drive you? Simple. 

You lied.

You said last time you went to your doctor, he had found some weird muscle tissue in your chest and to remove it, you would have to have your chest removed. "I'm sorry, ma, I didn't want to worry you guys."

"It's alright, (D/n), you'll be ok. Is there anything I should know about post surgery things?"

You explained to her that there would be tubes on your armpits that went around your chest to remove any fluids and that she would need to help you change out the bags the fluids would go in, considering you wouldn't be able to use your arms much.

"I cant really leave the house either. I mean, I can, I would just prefer not to, you know?"

She nodded in understanding, pulling into the parking lot. "Do I just wait in the waiting room for you?" You nodded. "Yep! They'll bring me out once I'm mostly conscious." "Alright Sweety, know mama loves you, ok?" She said in a worried tone. "Love you too, ma."

Soon, your doctor came out and brought you forward to the room. "Everything still the same with your parents?" He asked. You had told him about the situation with your parents and worked with him to plan around them. And, to your joy, it had worked. "Yep. But I'm here now, aren't I?" You smiled. "Lets get you to the room so we can start. We'll get you some anesthetics to take and we'll take you from there."


A few hours later, you woke up slowly, your doctor typing something on a laptop nearby. "Good! You're awake. How do you feel?" He asked as you looked around. "Still kinda tired, but I'm getting there."

"Any pain?" "Nope,"

"That's good then. We'll send you out with everything you need, be back here in 3 weeks so we can see how everything is. If all is well we can remove the bandages and you'll be free to go." He said with a smile, some nurses coming in to help you into a wheelchair after he called them in on a walkie-talkie.

The drive home was for the most part silent, you for the most part resting in the back, somewhere between asleep and awake. When you got home, you lie down in your bed, telling your parents you wanted to get some rest. Shooting a quick text to the groupchat that had been made with the people you had met and befriended. 



Back from surgery, All went well, I'm home now recovering. gonna be ooc for a bit, but I just wanted to say thank you to you guys for being here. You guys are a cool bunch of people :]


Thanks man, remember to take it easy!


Stay safe man


Hope you're doing ok, let us know if you need anything!


I just woke up, surgery? Glad to hear everything good though!


Samer here, but its good to hear your alright. Rest all you can man!


Drink water, be safe man, hope you're good!


Glad to know everything went well, remember you can text me if you need anything, alright? Take care man :]



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