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Streaming became a scapegoat for him when he needed a break from the world around him. A distraction from the hateful and horrible world around him. Watching streams and going on YouTube to find a good laugh always had a way of brightening his day, no matter the situation. You could do almost anything on there, ranging from recording your cat falling off a ceiling fan to how to cook an ostrich egg, there was usually something for everything.

What had taken his interest were two main things.

Guitar, and Gameplay.

From the moment he had entered the website, the gameplay was something he enjoyed. He started watching it when he got stuck on a level of a game he recently got and needed help, so he found a video explaining it. The next day, gameplay videos popped up more often. People like Markiplier being the most common. He knew how to play guitar because when he was younger he would always see these people on tv playing songs in well-constructed videos with flashing lights. Sure, he could have liked something more graceful like violin or maybe even the piano, (Hell, his mom would have liked that) but he instantly fell for the guitar, both acoustic and electric. So, when he was thirteen, his parents signed him up for lessons after non-stop asking.

That was also around the time he started feeling...off. He started gaining a chest and more feminine features, and it just felt off to him. He expressed these concerns to his parents, but the only response he got was, "It's just puberty, sweetie. You'll get used to it." Maybe that was true, but he still felt so wrong. A few years later he put in his own research and found a term that fit the way he felt. 


It made sense to him and it fit the way he felt. He wanted to tell his parents he finally found out why he felt the way he did, but he just couldn't. They wouldn't listen. They didn't want to. Every time he tried, they would ignore him and tell him he was wrong for feeling that way. He didn't listen though.

Eventually from working his 2 part time jobs as a cashier at a local grocery store and a barista at Starbucks, he saved up and bought his first pc. Eventually learning basic ropes on how to start a stream and basic editing techniques, he started trying YouTube and Twitch. It started out slow, averaging 20 people a stream and about 100 or so views a video.

And now at present day, his channel had climbed to a steady 20k. The money that came in from both sites had given him the money to pay for his Testosterone supplements and binder that he very carefully hid from his parents.

He wished he could move out, but he just couldn't. His parents had an iron grip on him. Plus he didn't have the money to move out on his own, so he stayed put for now. The moment he could though, he was out.

Currently, they were both out of the house while he recorded a video on the hellsite website omegle. It was great for content, but the amount of dicks and tits he had seen makes him wonder if it was worth it. After considering pouring bleach over his eyes, he finally landed on somebody somewhat normal.(Similarly to him) all he could see was from the neck down, and they had a guitar. They were wearing a light grey sweater that covered most of their hand and a knee length red skirt, and he could see their hair falling over their shoulder.

"Finally, someone who isn't trying to jerk off!" He said with a smile the stranger couldn't see. "Agreed, its kinda gross," said the stranger in a feminine voice. "Would it be alright if I played you a song?" He asked. "Sure, only if I can play you one next," Said the stranger. Strumming the guitar quickly to make sure everything was in tune, he played some base chords and started a rift from a song he recently listened to, Traffic by one south lark, picking the strings and placing his fingers on the fret board when needed.

(Rift starts at 2:17)

Looking back at the screen after finishing the last of the song after the rift, the stranger clapped, the sound being softened by their sleeves. "Alright, your go," He said, gesturing at them as they began playing a song he knew all to well. Eruption by Van Halen.

After the stranger finished, he clapped. "Dude, that was awesome!" he said. Then the strangers voice pitch changed from feminine to masculine. "Thanks man, you ain't to bad yourself," The stranger said. Shocked, he moved back slightly, but not enough to show his face. Chuckling, the stranger spoke. "Is it alright if I use this for a video?" He asked. 'Video?' he thought. "I was about to ask you the same thing," He said rubbing his arm. "Sure dude! You got a YouTube?" he asked as he typed out something in the chat box.


Then he typed in chat his own channel name.


"I'll definitely look at your channel, you seem chill," He said with a smile the stranger couldn't see. "Same too you man, hope you don't see to many more dicks on here," the stranger said before waving and the screen going grey, waiting on him to go to the next person. Instead, he exited out the tab and went to YouTube, looking up the strangers channel.


Choking on the water he was drinking, he looked back at the screen to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

They were not.

'Holy shit,' He thought, 'Holy shit!'


POV Change, Dooo.

Looking at the strangers off omegles' channel, he saw a few videos, the most recent being 1 week ago, and saw an even '20.7k' next to his name. Clicking on the most recent video, a solo gameplay of Phasmaphobia. It was a short video, and the first thing that stood out to him was the twitch chat on the top right. The same names in chat kept popping up, every once in a while a new name showing up. He watched as he read off the list on the whiteboard of the van, reading out the name. "Susan Gayle, huh? Alright, Susan, get ready to have you shit rocked!" He said, grabbing a few things from the van and walked to the door in silence as chat spammed 'that's what she said' in different ways.

"Chat, not like that you know what I meant-"

Later on in the video, he stood in the center of the kitchen in the house, holding the EMF reader. "Alright, chat, I just need this one and I'm good," He said attempting to talk to the ghost, asking it questions. The EMF reader never went above 3. Then a dono popped up as the video zoomed in on it.

'Taunt the ghost, that should work'

"Taunt it? Alright then. HEY SUSAN, YA BITCH! SHOW YOURSELF!!" He shouted walking around, shouting obscenities in the game. "Susan Gayle? More like Susan Gay! Hah!" He said as the EMF went off,

And then he died.

Screaming as the hands covered the screen and he was transported to the room with the lightbulb as it flickered. "Goddamnit..." He said laughing as the lightbulb broke and an outro played, Koopa's theme from Super Mario 64 and an end card showed, simple green barriers that led to another video and a link to the channel over a black screen.

The editing was good, and he had variety to his channel. 'He definitely has potential' He thought.

Going into his discord, he typed a message into the group chat that had been made.

'I think I found a fourth for Friday'



ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 (Transmasc! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now