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"Come to Canada!"

You were surprised by Matt's forwardness. You had been chatting after a stream, and the subject of travelling came up. "What?" "My birthday is coming up so I'm inviting a few of the guys here, you should come too!" "I mean, I'd love to but, I'd have to ask my parents first-"

"(Y/n), how old are you?"


"You're an adult. You can make decisions for yourself. Plus, Droids' gonna be there,"

You felt your face heat up at the mention of the male, going silent. Matt spoke, and you could hear the smile in his voice. "Wait, so you do like Droid? I was just jokin' around!" He chuckled. You sputtered, attempting to defend yourself, but it was no use. "Dude, if you like him, just go for it. You may be surprised." He said.

"I- I don't know man, I'm pretty sure he's not into guys, and even if he did, why would he like me?"

Matt sat back for a moment, recalling a conversation he had had with the man in question.

"Dude, I need help." Droid said. He sounded slightly confused. 

"What's up man?"

"Did you see the Cover (Y/n) posted?"


"Did it, uh, what's the best way put this, uh," Droid was all over the place, unable to put his words together properly. "I just, uh, I think I like men now? Like, I still like women, but also men? And I'm not really sure where to go from here."

Matt smiled at his friend. "You like him, don't you?" He teased.

"What? I- uh, well, I um," He stammered the same heat from before rising to his face. 

"Yeah, I guess I do."

Matt grinned. "How about this. You come here a week early, and you surprise everyone! Plus, It'll be a chance to get away, take a break, y'know?"

"Can I bring a camera? I got a mask thing so I could be in videos without showing my face."

"Sure! Dude, these few weeks are gonna be fun. I just know it!"


It took way to much convincing, but for once, your parents listened when you put your foot down. And now, you we're standing in an airport in Canada, waiting on your friend to come get you. You had seen Matts face once or twice while raiding his stream, so you had a general idea of what he looked like. Your phone buzzed, receiving a text.


Just realized i have no idea who to be looking for lol.

Snapping a photo of you currently, your (F/c) facemask still in place over your nose and mouth, you sent it to him.


sorry i look like shit rn, timezone change made me really tired and there was a kid crying the whole time.

Its fine man, i think i see you. why're you so short?

Looking around with a plain yet annoyed expression on your face, looking around until your eyes met blue ones. Recognizing it as Matt's face, although covered by a mask, he smiled and ran at you, picking you up and hugging you, spinning you around a few times. 

"Matt...You're suffocating me!" You said, slapping his back as he set you down, letting you catch your breath. "You're here!" Matt cheered, being able to hear the smile in his voice.

"Yes, yes I am."


Matt was kind enough to help you figure out a hotel situation before you left (home state), and had gotten you a room with the others. They were sharing 2 separate rooms with each other, and you had been put in one of them, although he refused to tell you who else would be there stating 'you'll know when they get here.' While giggling to himself.

Currently, you we're sitting in Matt's house, waiting on him to get back with everyone else. After receiving a text they were parked and to hide, you ran into the bathroom and waited for them to walk in. Hearing the door close, although muffled, you heard Matt speak. "And this is my humble abode! I have food in the fridge and the bathroom is down the hall." Hearing him say that, you stepped out with a stretch.

"Woo! That was a good nap! Thanks for letting me sleep in your shower, Matt."

Shouts were heard as several people ran at you, smiles on their faces, but one stood out to you.

Droid stood in front of you, a smile on his face, his face a light red color.

"Hey Droid!"

"Hey, (Y/n)."




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