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So it's been over a year, haha yeah I screwed up. Several things happened. When I published the last chapter back in January 2021, I was losing motivation for this story. A new fanfiction idea had appeared in my head that I really wanted to write, but I haven't started that yet because I don't want to screw it up. I'd rather finish this story first. Speaking of this story, it just wasn't satisfying me at all. I can barely read it without cringing hard. There are also many inconsistencies, plot holes, incomplete details, which was mainly caused by laziness, yeah there it is, laziness. I didn't even close the Celina flashbacks properly, I kind of just left it there. Sothe and Vanessa were introduced out of nowhere. And I'll just reveal it, the biggest killer of this story was a sequel I'd planned, I wrote the latter half of the most recent chapters based on a sequel, but I've since then dropped those ideas and cancelled the sequel, this is going to be a one-time story. So yes, there were a plethora of issues. But in recent days I've regained motivation to write again. I'm still not that interest in Fairy Tail anymore, but I still have passion for this fanfiction. I am officially cancelling this story and going to reboot it. I am doing a complete rewrite, and this time I won't publish chapters until I actually finish the damn thing. I don't know how long it will take, months, years... but I vowed to finish this story. As for that other fanfiction I mentioned, that will be my next work after this one. So, I hope you stay tuned for that. See you all then. 


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